Recs and links

Feb 08, 2010 02:59

A few things for today...

1) I maintain a rec list of female character-centered fics in Supernatural fandom, and have updated it today. Please check it out if you're looking for fics about the SPN ladies!

2) Female-focused stories that I've written since the last round of halfamoon...

Bible: The World Entire (Eve, G)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Fast & Furious: Hand in the Pocket, Finger on the Steel (Faith/Dom, PG-13)

BtVS/Leverage: In the Lost Lands (Tara/Parker, PG-13)

Dark Angel: My Favorite Plum (Max/Alec, PG-13)

E.R.: The Times Are Winter (Carol Hathaway/John Carter, PG)

Harry Potter: Time Like the Present (Hermione/Harry, PG)

Star Trek XI:
Per Ardua, Per Aspera (Gaila, PG)
Practice (Amanda/Sarek, G)
Sweet As the Vestry of the Oracles (Uhura/Spock, R)

Star Trek XI/Supernatural: To Lay Me Down (Pike/Ellen, NC-17)

Supernatural: Something to Burn (Jessica Moore, PG)

star trek: reboot, leverage, dark angel, bible, btvs/angel, .recs, e.r., supernatural, harry potter

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