Picspam: Juliet Burke

Feb 06, 2010 18:26

This is just a picspam of random Juliet screen-caps. I was trying out some new techniques in photoshop and this was the result:)

I included some quotes to highlight one of my favorite things about the lovely Dr. Burke: her snark :D

Beware: There are spoilers for season 6.
(Seriously, if you haven't seen 'LA X', don't look under the cut!)

"I don't want your food." Jack
"Well, it's a delicious sandwich..." Juliet
"What's your job, besides making sandwiches?" Jack
"Oh, I didn't make it. I just put the toothpicks in." Juliet

"So. When you pulled us out of those polar bear cages and put us on the chain gang, what the hell did you have us breaking all those rocks for, anyway?" Sawyer
"We were building a runway." Juliet
"Runway? For what?" Sawyer
"The aliens. I don't know what for. Do you think they told me everything?" Juliet
"Yeah, yeah...whatever you say. So, you screwin' Jack yet?" Sawyer
"No, are you?" Juliet

"Thanks for getting my back with that whole beach issue." Sawyer
"You should thank me, it was a stupid idea." Juliet
"Well, what does that say about you agreeing with me?" Sawyer
"Any plan was better than no plan. Besides...if I hadn't agreed with you, we'd still be arguing about where to go next. Just hope you figure out something better before we get there." Juliet

lost, .picspam

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