Well, my job has been having me travel about 100% since Christmas. It's really tough only having weekends at home. Getting burned out. Will need to find a new job soon, I just can't keep this up, especially since I'm now engaged to marry the love of my life. :)
An updated map of where I've been:
visited 37 states (74%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or
jurisdische veraling duits? I feel I can really relate to Johnny Cash's song "I've been everywhere" now. And it's not really a good thing. LOL
For the breif personal time I've had, I've been working on 1 fun project for myself and it's just about finished: I've reached that point in my life, where every man reaches at one point or another, where you buy a new Plasma HDTV and come to the realization that you're entertainment center just wont fit the bill any longer and the only thing to do is to CONVERT IT IN TO A BAR. So thats just what I did :)
I'm proud to present the "J-BAR"(tm)
The bar closed:
The bar open:
bar closeup:
I have LED puck lights mounted between the upper shelf and the stemware hangers illuminating the stemware and LED pucklights under the bottle shelf illuminating the bottles. Looks sweet when it's darker in the room. All that's left is to mount a mirror on the back and maby the sides. :)