(no subject)

Nov 14, 2004 22:07

halflifehavock13: my car will be the shizzle of bloomfieldhizzle my nizzle!
halflifehavock13: ahem....my ride*
halflifehavock13: its gonna be rockin' like a popo in a donut shop!
halflifehavock13: (popo for cop)
Twelf Heretic: ...Yeah.
halflifehavock13: awe come on my honkie cant you jive it like a hive?
Twelf Heretic: ..Shut up.
halflifehavock13: haha
halflifehavock13: thats enough for me today
halflifehavock13: your no fun
Twelf Heretic: Oh, believe me, I know.
Twelf Heretic: But I did see Skinny Puppy.
halflifehavock13: your like a lump of coal on christmas or an older brother who thinks you will never grow up to be anything but a sack of shit
halflifehavock13: you lucky bastard
Twelf Heretic: Yeah.

Haha for some reason, when I read this conversation again, it makes me look like I like being boring.
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