Coming up on the end of act one pretty soonish here. Within a few chapters, for sure.
Also third patronized trollkid get. Gamzee and Tavros are both really fun to write, but I swear to god their typing quirks are driving me up the wall.
<== ~~~
Teri: Put forth ridiculously untenable proposal )
To be honest I've been kind of worried that I've been overdoing it with the Dave and Terezi stuff since this was initially just supposed to be about human Karkat and such, so it's nice to know that someone's been enjoying it. The two of them have my favorite relationship dynamic in Homestuck, as friends or lovers or what have you, and writing them is really fun even if both of them have personalities that I find difficult to write. So I'm glad to hear I've been doing Terezi correctly, too!
I also enjoy writing Nell and Earl because it's fun writing a very close, intimate relationship that absolutely isn't romantic (for humans, anyway); it's something I don't generally get a chance to do, often. I think that's something I like about writing this story, actually-- it gives me an opportunity to expand my horizons a bit and forces me to focus on characters that I don't generally use much.
/tl;dr you don't care about
Anyway my point here essentially boils down to a huge and heartfelt thank you. I sincerely appreciate the time you took to note down what you like and what's working! Reading this comment made me feel all warm and happy inside. ♥
Friend: I love this version of Terezi so much
uA: i know me too
uA: "If you can't come to me, I'll come to you."
(We went on for about five pages screaming quotes at each other, then discussed how we love Sollux and Aradia in this, but I won't torture you with that also it undermines how we're both meant to be professional adults)
So know that in any case, you have a spellbound audience. One who quotes it and flips imaginary tables over how good it is.
You're really good at Nell and Earl simply because you get that dynamic of devotion down pat, even seeing it through the POV of other people -- you've characterised them amazingly and I love how Nell interacts with Karl and Teri both. If this is extending you writing them that's awesome. I love it when stories challenge me (except when I don't).
So yeah there is no tl;dr I do not care about, I would read the DVD commentary for this story in a heartbeat. There is so much to appreciate about this narrative and I had to break sometime and tell you about it, because I've been enjoying it in selfish radio silence thus far. Keep up the warm fuzzies as you deserve them. :)
To be perfectly honest I could sit here for hours and talk about my creative process and relationship dynamics and as-yet-unrevealed backstories and about a thousand other things but that would contain SPOILERS and spoilers are BAD so I will just. Sit on my hands quietly I guess, haha. I am beyond thrilled by all these wonderful comments, man. These are the sorts of things that keep me writing instead of doing a couple of chapters and then forgetting all about it for a month and a half. (Also I'm just going to take a moment and inform you that that fic where John and Karkat were making lasagna is hands down my favorite fic of them because I just realized that you also did that one and am kind of spazzing out of my own accord so. You are not alone in the dork boat.)
You have no idea the amount of teehee I am processing that you read that. Seriously, it's an awful teehee. The laughter equivalent of a Regency titter. You've no idea how much that means, considering it's you and your John/Karkat things were the first stuff I read on the ship (which most people can say afaik).
I love talking with other writers about relationship dynamics and process although I understand the spoilers so I'll just run over to my journal and quiz you about IMs.
Though dude it is incredibly flattering that I was your introduction to John/KK. If that's true then I am way more well known in this fandom than I ever expected and that's. Both nice and incredibly frightening. In a good way. I am not even that good of an author, what is this even
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