I ROCK.... That is all.

Mar 03, 2007 13:54

Today, i have conquered a vaccuum.
yes.. it is a good day. haha. seriously though. i feel all butch-tastic right now!! its crazy cool. so here's the story- i had to vaccuum stairs today and we have this lil mini dirt devil.. well i started vaccuuming... but the little part that is supposed to spin, was not.. so i got a screwdriver and investigated. well.. the problem was not in how fucking CLOGGED this thing was... [although im sure that it didn't help...] but in the motor itself.. and so i took the whole lil motherfucker apart.
it was sooooo dusty && shit.. it was not fun..
but i tinkered around.. and the motor was like sideways and the thing was was supposed to pin the spinny thing was hitting up against a plastic piece so.. i fixed it.
but then i had to put on all those other fucking screws and make sure everything was ok.. and thank god, it now works!!
im just a bit proud of myself.. of course now i'm covered in dust and need a shower badly

it doesn't feel so good.

but on a better note...
im happy as a llama on crack right now!
i work from like 6-11.. but when i get home i got friends comin over!
and some spending the night..
only like 12 people though.. cause i live in a townouse.. and my neighbors are insaaane.
but here is the list of "things" we are getting:
-Mikes hard
-Peels [thanks E!]
-Bacardi silver [for me and me alone to take shots ;)]
-Some Crazy UV shit.. its amazing

then doug is bringing over-- More beer.. haha and whiskey..
its gonna be a badass party

too bad sami can't come cause she's grounded.. dammmn that would have been FUNNNNN.. sami es my lover.. haha lol

but.. at least ill get to DD E!! haha
expect it girl!

so im happy as HELL right now..
house to myself for THREE DAYS OMFGGG
im freakin out
so.. i'm gonna go take a shower and go to work [eventually]

Mucho love!

party like a rockstar, vaccuum master, new orleans

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