If i never see your face again i won't mind...

Jun 23, 2008 15:27

ughh. this entry will be a very long rant about my taste in women.

well. ok. i'm literally not that attracted to ppl my own age.. unless they're super hot.. or have something about them. yeah. i'm superficial. :-p. anyway.. everyone i AM attracted to [minimum age to be about 10 yrs OLDER than me..] is either taken or.. WAY older than me/movie star. lol
this is bad.
now, i'm glad to be getting out of ohio.. finally starting something i like, meeting new ppl [melissa and i have talked about this..] and GETTING away from barrbie. :-p. i hoping time away will... kill this.. thing. *hopefully* of course i'll be back during christmas with.. darker hair and more tattoos so we never know.. LOL
ok, again i was surfing the web and i ran along pix of JF [jorja fox. derrrrr:) ] and realized how purrrrrrdy i think she is..

...and THEN i saw that her 40th BIRTHDAY is in a week or two. SRSLY?!?!
who else thinks she DOES NOT LOOK 40?! am i just fucking crazy!? [ok, we all know the answer to that.. ]
ugh. smarch is 33, DN is 31, marish is 42...? WTF?!?!
and barr is 29.
... Course miss fellowes [my old spanish teacher... *sigh*] is 24... that is a BIT younger than all the rest but... still. this is my authority figures "thing".
ugh. advice..? anyone? lol.

sorry about that.. i needed it off my back :)

teachers, barr, crush

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