quotes that express what i can't

Jan 05, 2007 23:34

i dunno why. but i've been in quite a funk for the last few hours.

so i found quotes.. and i'll write more later on why i'm so funky

Life is a song -- sing it.
Life is a game -- play it.
Life is a challenge -- meet it.
Life is a dream -- realize it.
Life is a sacrifice -- offer it.
Life is love -- enjoy it.

Life is like a million pictures
in a photo album.
You can remember,
but you can never recapture it.

i`m not afraid of happy endings,
i`m afraid my life won`t work that way.

Always hold your head up high..
Even if on the inside you're about to cry..
Pretend that nothing's wrong at all.
Close your eyes before you fall.
If you can't see it..it's not there..
This is life & it's not fair..

2. Time stands still when no one understands
you and you don't quite understand yourself.
Today didn't have to be this way, tomorrow
is another day, another chance to make
things right..

3. We're friends, real friends.
& that means, no matter how long it takes,
when you finally do decide to look back,
I'll be here.

4. Don't give up on love because there is
always someone who loves you, even if
it's not the person you were hoping for.

73. Isn`t if funny how day-by-day
nothing changes, but then when
you look back, everything is different

69. she's an artist
a painter actually;
see that 'smile' on her face?
well it's her most famous piece

66. Never let success get to your head
and never let failure get to your heart.

63. sleep is overrated
we stay awake and cry
if this is love, than kill me now
and save me from my life

61. Take your damn fairy tale endings
and your hopes, dreams, & wishes
and shove them up your ass.
This is the real world,
&& that shit just doesn't cut it anymore

60. she wipes off the black rivers
running down her un-made cheeks.
she takes a deep breath in and
steadies herself. she can do
this, keep going, pull through;;
t h e-s h o w-m u s t-g o-o n

55. & keep your head up kid because
there are people killing to see you fall-*

52. drama - lies - tears
..teenage years.

51. t o o h a r d t o f a k e i t
nothing can replace it

43. let's just drink to get drunk,
and tell each other everything.
for a drunkin mind ;
speaks a sober heart.

42. Go ahead. Kiss her.
I hope she bites your lip
And you choke on the blood.

38. So just kiss me and let my hair messy itself in your fingers.
Let me steady myself in the arms of a boy who won't ask me to be what he needs, but let's me exist as I am.

36. You're only young once, so be bad, break the rules,
get caught… & make it count.

35. She closes her eyes, as make-up runs…
He got the best of her.

22. So let's drink to the truth. Let's speak through drunken minds & say how much
we truly love each other & tomorrow, we can go back to pretending that we hate each other.

18. Everything we've gone through
& everything we've accomplished
can never be explained in words

12. To hell with my pride.
tonight i want to cry.

What is love and what does it define, who's to say and who's to draw the line, within this world and all its fuss who's to say if it's love or a simple crush

There are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world, 6 billion souls, and all you need is one

and i've been dying to know
who's your heart beating for?

Don't waste your time worrying about boys-- boys will come and go. Don't waste your time caring about the people who don't like you -- chances are you don't like them either. Don't waste your time worrying if people are talking about you -- you affected their lives, they didn't affect yours. Waste your time with friends -- live for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything. If it's something you'll regret in the morning, sleep late & when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends, because your friends are what matter most. When you have your friends...you have everything.

Admit it. We flirt with each other. We have so much fun with each other. We laugh with each other and we even try to be with each other. And I believe that we secretly love each other. But how come when I think of you and wonder if you're thinking of me, it feels like you aren't?

She's smiling, is she happy? She looks happy, but it doesn't matter, let me tell you something not everything is as it seems.

Tell me, do you think I'm falling for him? All he means to me is a really good friend, someone who can make me laugh, make me smile, someone who I can joke around with, someone who I can be myself with. All he is to me is the person who gave me back my smile.

It's not about getting a scholarship, getting drafted, or making Sports Center. It's a deep need in us that comes from the heart. We need to practice, play, to lift, to hustle, to sweat, to compete. We do it all for our teammates. We don't lift weights with a future Olympic wrestler; we lift with a future doctor. We don't run with a future Wimbledon champion; we run with a future CEO. It's a bigger part of us than our friends and family can understand. Sometimes we play for 200,000 fans, sometimes for 25. But we still play hard. You cheer for us because you know us. You know more than just our names. Like all of you, we are still students first. We don't sign autographs for money. But we do sign college applications, SAT exams, and student body petitions. When we miss a kick, or strike out, we don't let down an entire state. We only let down our teammates, coaches, and fans. But the hurt in our hearts is the same. We train hard. Lift, throw, run, kick, shoot, dribble, swim, and lift some more, and in the morning we go to class. Still the next day in class we are nothing more than students. It's about pride; in ourselves, in our school. It's about our love and passion for the game. And when it's all over; when we walk off that court or field for the last time, our hearts crumble. Those tears are real. But deep down inside, we are very proud of ourselves. We will forever be what few can call ourselves.. high school athletes.

& I am always the girl,
who everybody thinks is perfect
I guess I can hide the tears well.
because when I am alone,
Im the person that I hate the most

and loving each other's the only thing we'll do"
then i woke up and started to cry,
realizing the whole thing was only a lie.

I will always be that girl wanting but never having.
I will always be that girl seeing but never feeling.
I will always be that girl who doesn't know the
difference between dreams and reality.
I guess you can say I will always be that girl waiting.

Flashlights under covers, raindrops on my tongue;
When life had no distractions & love wasn't hurting anyone.

Dream as if you'll live forever... live as if you'll die today.


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