no ordinary wings i need, the sky itself will carry me.. back to you

Jan 17, 2008 16:24

twirliebug2004 did it and so AM I.. lol

Picture Meme
Ask me to take pictures of things you would like to see. For example: my favorite shoes, the view from my window, my mirror, the last thing I bought, my pets, my house, my cleavage, etc.... anything! I will then take the pictures and show them to you.
and here are the results!!
haha. if you want to see something and didn't see the other post, request here and i'll edit it for you!!!

view from my living room window. haha, sorry its really not that impressive:)

boo boo.. aka my princess. she likes 30 rock too!!
[mostly gretchen though.. i rub off on her:)]

she was actually licking me here.. hehe

my fave xmas presents.. my iPod, see, the one i actually got for christmas up and decided it wouldn't turn on one day so it's Ella's[other ipod] replacement.. i mean, why name such a wonderful thing katie's iPod2 when i can name it something awesome like.. ALEX
and of course the "text messaging mittens" my aunt KNITTED for me.. she is JUST THAT COOL :)

ugh, my bedroom part 1/3. i was asked for a pic of this without picking anything up soooo... 
yeah. actually in like 10 mins i need to clean it so.. i'll post an after pic later.. MAYBE

view from my bathroom.. 2/3

and my bookshelf.. 3/3

fave shoes.. lol 1/2 pics
the ones on the left are my cleats.. i am in LOVE with my fucking cleats.. you have NO IDEA
and of course my "at least bi-curious" chucks.. as you can see by how well worn they are i <3 them very much

and, what is a closet without my fuck you!heels?
i <3 them also

oh and even though i couldn't get you NAKED smarch.. is this close enough??:)


somebody req my fave book.. well i can't choose.. lol
up there is, james patterson [fave author]
the stories of L&O SVU.. i was SO EXCITED when i found this lol.. its suuper amazing.
american psyco is.. amazingcrazysickawesome.. yeah
and i have a freud book i'm reading up there.. it's.. interesting

my CLEAN room.. haha
the books down there are from my bookshelf.. they fell off.. its not clean. :)

blurry pic.. lol me and my car<3
forgive my hair/FACE.. i just got outta teh showah

shoes, ipod, pictures, view, room, lady

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