J'ai Deux Amours

Dec 24, 2007 20:35


so today [night] is xmas eve.. mom and i are TERRIBLE so.. we opened our presents two? days early.. yesterday..
i got an iPod classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also got a blade... its a SICK bluetooth headset:)
i got... ooh this lao tzu book i reeeeally wanted..
also some burts bees body stuff :)
anddddd a CSI MIAMI board game :D 
anyway.. so then we went to my grandma's today for presents from the family.. and i got House seasons 1 & 2 on DVD.. and CSI season 1 :))))
i guess i'm gonna have to go on amazon and get SVU season 4 &1 myself then.. lol
i also got gift cards and i found my mom's old psyco-analysis & feminism book.. from the 70's.. and so now its mine and i'm reading it.. lol
i just got cute stuff too.. target gift cards.. n stuff. 
amber got me a Zoo York zip hoodie.. which i LOVE and i got myself [lol] a john lennon [give peace a chance] shirt.. i <3 it..
hmm i don think there's anything else// but there prolly is.. ohhhh i bought amber black on black chucks from journeys.. a shoe store.. and found red ones i need to get.. she is obsessed with them btw.. lol
oh, story.. just a preface.. i'm really good with kids. usually, and they love me.. so yeah.. anyway, so i have.. 10+ lil cousins.. and i'm the oldest.. so they all love me.. and one, that i really don;t see all that often.. but is cute none-the-less was hanging all over me:) his name is caleb.. anyway. he  sat on my lap through most of the gift-opening.. and his dad is cool.. [we're related] but i've always gotten a wierd feeling from his mom.. i don really like her.. and she was holding their other son.. but when  caleb got off my lap he fell down.. and hurt himself.. to his standards.. ya know how 2 yr olds are.. anyway. he jumped right back into my arms and cryed into my shoulder.. well she came over and was like. aww honey you want mama? and he said no.. omg i was lke.. hmm.. so he stops crying.. in my lap.. and she's obviously like.. ohkay then... offended.. and everyone was kind of snickering.. so we kept unwrapping gifts together and stuff and i got him to actually throw his trash away.. lol he was throwing it on the ground before and i was like.. no no caleb.. put this in the trash bag.. and he did!! i lmao'ed mom was like.. "why are you teaching him to do that?" and i said "these are things he needs to learn" and l;aughed a little.. he was sooo cute though.. his mom pretty much dragged him away eventually.. lol but he came back lots and when they were leaving he came and said bye.. and he called me mommy.. the fam was like.. whoa..
wow right?
it was funny.. he really liked me.
annnnnd.. i taught my aunts how to do the soulja boy.
funny no?
oh, and some of you will love this, so my grandmother.. is.. special. very catholic.. you know. anyway she got all the [older] kids BIBLES.. and get this.. HID 20$ bills in them.
i found mine just randomly flipping through mine.. and laughing.. i was like.. OH YEAH
sneaky no?
so mom called and asked some things and then goes, oh yeah kate says thx for the twenty. .and grandma goes well she gets a prize cause she was the first to find it!! she dunno what the prize is yet.. but there IS ONE.. and thats all that counts.
see kids? laughing at the bible brings you prosperity.
anyway so nnow.... i'll probably do a house mini/HUGE marathon.. see y'll laterrrrr:)
OOH and i'm probably seeing elisa on thursday for lunch w/ RC :-D

aww, christmas, presents, caleb

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