(no subject)

Dec 11, 2007 00:32

two things..
#1.. finally dating someone..
[yes that someone is a girl]
#2 all of my x-mas shopping is done for mom!!!
none of my friends... but mom.
i ended up spending.. $400 ish on her.
she better be effin happy
anyway.. what do i get amber [yes, it sounds like a pornstar name.. yes, she's my girlfriend..]
for xmas???????????????????????????
i;m so fucking stumped its crazy
and i just got a $300 dollar check so no big on deh $$
oh, and i have worked for the past 3 days and am about to kill somone.. 24 hrs in 3 days?
amber came over last night and we just laid on my futon watching jets/browns [she's a browns fan >:(] and i totally fell asleep.. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
then she had to leave snd i fell right back asleep w/o setting my alarm.. woke up at 8:15 today... school started at 7:45.. lol mom wrote me a note saying i had an appt..
and besides working this weekend i played pool/kicked total ASS in pool and bought myself a leather jacket.
dude, zomg
its the hottest fucking thing evar.

voice post!

christmas, school, work, amber

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