way too bored!

Nov 16, 2007 13:16

you're gonna have to highlight the tops of them to see quiz/result. :)

How will I die?
Your Result: You will be murdered.

This doesn't guarantee pain and suffering, but it will be at the hands of another. Perhaps the vile deeds of a past life will attribute to this horrific demise. Do not fear murder. There is a rare epiphany that comes from this type of death. You will see it in the last moments.
You will die while having sex.

You will die while saving someone's life.

You will die of boredom.

You will die in a nuclear holocaust.

You will die in a car accident.

You will die in your sleep.

You will die from a terminal illness.

How will I die?
Create a Quiz

What should your first name be?
Your Result: Luke

A total jock, you love sports. You can't get enough of them! When time to have fun you're there. You are good with romance and have an astounding look. Yet you often coop up in your room with video games.




Moron idiot face



What should your first name be?
Make a Quiz

wtf? lol

Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: Goddess Bast

You are the Goddess Bast. You are quiet and calm, but when need be, you are firm and fierce. You are full of love, and you always care. People often come to you for advise or guidance, and you willingly give it. Congatulations!! You are Goddess!!
Goddess Sekhemet

You are your own God or Goddess



The Christian God

God Zeus


Which God or Goddess are you like?
Make Your Own Quiz

What is your theme song?
Your Result: Until The End Of The World - Apoptygma Berzerk

"All the weights that keep me down
Seem heavier than before
Fate hits me in my face
Though you feel nothing

Only time will heal you say
Your words my therapy
But half of me is gone
My dearest treasure torn away

I´ll stick with you until the end of the world
I cry out loud but you hear nothing
I'll wait for you until the end of the world
My dearest treasure torn away.."

Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

I Remember - Stabbing Westward

The Anthem - Good Charlotte

Lullaby - The Cure

What is your theme song?

Are You Gay, Bi, or Straight?
Your Result: Gay

Your result inticates a strong chance that you are gay. Either you already know this or your suspect it. Hopefully you are either accepting of this or working on doing so. Be proud of who you are!


Are You Gay, Bi, or Straight?

god!! another one!!



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