did i ever share these??

Oct 22, 2007 23:15

i somehow doubt it..
anyway pics from my maroon 5, sara bareilles, the hives concert!!!!!

[it was reallllly cool.. adam lavigne told everybody to take out their cell phones and use them as high tech lighters... well we all did and this is near the end of the song but it looked soooo damn cool.. like anyone whos ever been out into the country and seen the stars light up.. like THAT]

[the confetti was grey, red & black!! OSU!!]


anyway.. i forgot the hot pic of the week.. so ill try to do one everyday for a week or two..
and if you talk to me on LJ you'll prolly have seen these cause i go off on Smarch tangents alot

[does anyone else think she looks damn sexy when she's mad??
..*raises hand*..

oh and my new group is SMA
[stephanie march anonymous..]
for all the addicts out there.. lol


oh and did i ever share this??
i think i forgot but i drew it in NYC.. and just re-found it again today..
i loves it.
and i so can't wait for advanced drawing next sem.. its one of my releases.. like music but more productive!



Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

That's how I feel, I thought. Like a star.
Not the kind everyone admires and adores.
Not the kind with a fan club and a stack of autographed pictures to give out.
A star in the sky.
Distant. Detached

They asked me to describe myself, so I said:

I’m seventeen.
I have Blue Eyes.
And I’m infatuated with a girl, that if you asked her, wouldn’t know what color my eyes are.

You can be childlike without being childish.
Christopher Meloni

I don't walk around with a halo above my head or any kind of sainthood. But there is a power - a beautiful, a wonderful byproduct.
Christopher Meloni

My mother was against me being an actress - until I introduced her to Frank Sinatra.
Angie Dickinson

Acting is not about being famous, it's about exploring the human soul.
Annette Bening

I think everybody has tried the Ouija board... I used to be into astrology and such, but then I got more fatalistic about things. I'd rather be surprised.
Gena Rowlands


on that note i will tell y'all what im doing on halloween.

.. getting 2 other friends together, buying a ouija board, and messing around with it.
not being retards..
"when am i gonna die?"

but being sweet.. and not stupid.
any suggestions on what to ask it?
[i reserve the right to verbally castrate you if you say something rerarded]


note to self: share story about the ghost

stephanie march, maroon 5, concerts, halloween

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