agh shitty day.

Sep 16, 2007 17:33

started work @ 6:30 am..
scktastic.. to top it all off, we had people WAITING TO GET IN when we opened the doors @ 7:30.. the muffins weren.t even on the damn plate yet.
it stayed like that ALL FRICKING DAY
we had a line out the door constantly.. it was a super pain in the ass
finally around 2:15 the line died off.. for the first time.. and i got to sweep the dining room.. haha
sure i did..
i was like, well eff that.
then i got to go home @ 3:50 ish with free food and all
anyway.. i get home, the bengals lose..
to the motherfucking browns.
i mean, yeah we were tired.. but hot damn. we were baaad on D.. didn't manage to hold them once. scored on pretty much every drive.. over 1000 yards in ONE GAME for both teams.. oh well..
well then doug calls me, his mom and his dad are fighting again.. just like mine used to.. so we spend a bit on the phone..
and to top it all off i haven't run yet today..
ok, i'm definately going running right now.

douggie, work, bengals

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