I wanna wake up, in a city that doesn't sleep...

Aug 29, 2007 14:12

so the first day of school was today..
i was definately late for my 1st period class..
yep, i know..
but it went pretty smoothly because i love mrs. martin [first per]
and i walked in a full 5 min late and she was like.. "oh hello!! everyone, this is katie cahill.. katie say hi.." i did.. and she's like "well. i was just talking about being punctual.."
snd then went on.. it was funny
she wasn't like putting me down or anything it is a running joke.. i had her last year for yoga:)

anyway.. yeah other than that all my classes went as expected.. but i dunno how i'm gonna do this 7th period lunch.
im gonna die.. save a ton of money.. but die.
BUT in like half an hour i have to leave to go to physical therapy.. [possibly the last one!!] and THEN i have work at 4. yeah.. so i looked at my schedule snd was like.. uh, david? i have phys therapy at 3:30.. and work at 4.. thats not gonna work.. especially since i spend at least an hour there and its gonna be hell getting back to worthington during pre-rush hour hour.. yeah no
and he's like.. oh! no prob.. just come in late:)
i love david.
anyway.. for the next few days [weeks?] im gonna be practically inactive on here.. i have SO MUCH going on its insane.. like tomorrow i have a hockey game and i'm wrapping them and working the clock [possibly video taping??]
anyway.. its gonna be busy. they have games like.. every other day.
so i'm sorry if i'm never on!! [melissa!!!!<3]
oh, and my mom made a new rule.. no computer after 10.. ditto with the cell.. and i was like.. OH NO. you're not fucking taking away my phone.. so she let me keep it under the pretense of it wakes me up in the morning.. yeah, it definately doesn't.
oh.. and i met with the recruiter again with doug.. and you can get thrown out for some kind of childhood trauma[?].. not sure what it is.. but i'm screwed.. i better ask
OH and i have to have my father's approval too.. not just my mom's.
yep.. thats it for now.. ill update as soon as i can!!

rules, school, physical therapy, navy, work, field hockey

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