i am brokeded.

Aug 27, 2007 12:56

yes, i'm broke.
i got Maroon 5 tix AND Fallout Boy tix.. i'm SO EXCITED but holy shit it cost a LOT
and i got my FAB tix yesterday.. they were sold out when i checked like 2 hrs ago. its crazy.. amd i'm super freaking excited:):)


on wednesday i start school again!!!
the freaky thing is i'm excited:) its SENIOR YEAR.. and in less than 12 months i will be SUPERGONE
ahh and i'm seriously SERIOUSLY considering joining the navy..
i mean, as long as i can get past basic training i'm good.. once i get out of basic it'll be past election time.. new president.. and if its hillary they're definately NOT gonna send anybody else to iraq.. and even if they did they WOULDN'T send the damn navy.
it would be a fantastic way to stay out of debt.. AND if i go ROTC, they PAY FOR SCHOOL and its like a full time job.. and even if i just enlist i get $40,000 a year starting outta basic.. its not a LOT of money.. but hot damn its better than a lot of things..
it'll give me a jump-start.. and even though i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be a detective as soon as humanly possible and this will only delay that i think it would be just as freaking cool. but yeah..
anyway. .those are my thoughts on that so far..
anybody have any other thoughts?


about my wisdom teeth..
got them out thursday.. without a hitch.. thank god.
but, i don't remember thursday OR friday.. lol
ahh the happiness that comes with perscribed drugs..
except my loratab makes me dizzy and SLEEPY [as fully knows.. LOL
other than that and the fact it takes me an HOUR to eat ANYTHING i can't eat with a spoon, its all good. lol
its friggn wierd though.. i can FEEL my stiches.. i DON LIKE IT
but chea


i've picked up drawing AND my guitar again.. god it seems like forEVER since i've done either one..
seriously.. maybe i should take a break from the computer or something.. i dunno it takes up a lot of my time..
but i like you guys too much.. haha

anyway, thats all for today.. unless i forgot something.. lol
but i'll be lurking..

hobbies, college, school, navy, concert, wisdom teeth

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