Can you breathe without lying?!

Aug 21, 2007 21:40

one. leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. or your favorite kind of sandwich. something random. whatever you like.
two. I respond by asking you five personal [sort of] questions so I can get to know you better.
three. you will update your lj with the answers to the questions.
four. you will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
five. when others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

now!! caseybeatsalex asked me 5 questions...

1. Is there a relationship in your life that you would liken to that on a specific tv show/movie? If so, what is the relationship, and who are you like?
now what exactly does this mean? like..would i want to change a relationship in my life to go like one in a TV show? if so.. yeah. my relationship with my father.. i'd change it so its like the South Of Nowhere one.. ashley and her dad.

2. Is there something that as a child you SWORE you would never, ever do, but then did it anyway? what is it?
i SWORE i'd never do drugs.. lol and here i am.. smoking weed. i don't think its really that bad though.. it opens my "creative brain".. lol

3. If there was one moment in your life that you could go back and change, what would it be?
i try not to live with regret.. so i'm not totally sure.. but it would probably be something like never ever procrastinating.

4. If there was one moment in your life that was so incredibly perfect, what was it?
i dont think i've had it yet

5. What is one problem in the world that you would completely erase if you could? why?
hate.. any form of hate.
because its just dumb

those are some damn good questions.. not gonna lie.
who's up next?


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