UPDATE... at 2:25 AM

Jul 07, 2007 00:57

i'm officially bored as hell.
i'm sitting here going.. well.. janelle was suposed to call me an hour ago about.. smoking uhm... things
but she's probably drunk so i'm not even going there.. so i'm just sitting on my ass and i decided its been way too long since a real update!!
Number 1:I'm Grounded. [WOOHOO PARTY] long story short, i snuck out and got caught.
go me

Number 2:on FRIDAY the 13TH i'm FLYING to NEW YORK CITY.. [this is where you knock on wood for me mmk?] i'm going for 10 days for a leadership program.. studying forensics.. etc.. its gonna be a blast :)

Number 3:We're moving!!!! woot. to a smaller place.. closer to work/school.. kinda bad ass.. its like an apartment.. actually it is an apartment.. i get my own bathroom and i get to decorate it as i wish!!![thankgod]

anyway.. in other news.. i'm working my ass off.. haha.. i finally got my ears RE pierced.. yay!! and as soon as these lil mofo's heal i'm getting an industrial:):):)
oh!! and i've [yet again] made one of my friends pretty much very... curious if you catch my drift.
yep.. thats my life right now..
catch you cats later!!!

just a random thought.. this law enforcement thing isn't gonna work so well if i like weed so much.. LMAO
..that is all

nyc, friday the 13th, smoking, pierced, grounded

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