my amazingly amazing birthday.. and the day after

Jun 23, 2007 00:03


[my birthday]
i woke up at home and amber was there.. she spent the night. it was like.. 10 and i had to take her home and i was attempting to get her lazy ass outta bed. unsucessfully i might add..[i was up at 8:30 cause my mom wanted me to have my present]
so i hear this knocking on my door. i open it and three of my like 6 bestest friends are standing there[lella, tiffany and april] and they have BAGS of shit.. like waffle mix, eggs, bacon, sausage.. breakfast food.
and they're like.. ok. we're taking over for breakfast!
so they all came over in their bathing suits to make me breakfast and go swimming.
and after i tool amber home and came back we did just that.. needless to say it was a great start to a birthday.
so, i get home.. and to be honest.. i completely forget what i did until like 2pm.
cause then i called abby and we went to see MR. BROOKS.. omfg. it was amazing!! and the lady who wanted to see our ID's was like.. the 19th.. hey thats today! happy birthday!!
i was happpyyyyyyy
anyway.. the movie went mucho longer than i thought cause i was supposed to meet my FAM at 5 up by my house [me & abs went to lennox... down close to campus and its like 20 mins away]
needless to say.. the movie ended at 15 till 5.. and i still had to take abs home.. well i got to the restaraunt at 5:40.. hhah. yeah it was REALLYREALLY embarrassing..
i was like.. can't kill me!! its my birthday!!!!
anyway.. then we got home and i opened more presents.. $$$$$
i went to freakin SLEEP cause it was like... 9 and we had to get up at 4 the next day.. [suckkyyy] to make our flight
so.. the next day... [WEDNESDAY] was for serious.. the MOST STRESSFUL nd BEST day evah.
[ew.. the seed of chuckie is on.. hmm]
anyway.. so, we get to the airport.. at like.. 5:40.. our flight is scheduled to leave at 7.. so we're good.. except there are all the HUGE lines.. and we are like.. wtf?? so we go up to this guy and i guess because of all the effing rain, LAGUARDIA AIRPORT CLOSED DOWN.
wow.. so we went up to this other guy and were like.. look dude.. we need to get to new york.. we have non refundable tickets to a broadway play and its for my birthday.. so he checks to see what flights we can get on.. THERE WERE NONE
he was looking for like.. ever
and then he comes back and goes.. well here's what we are gonna do.. you're gonna take this flight to TAMPA FLORIDA and then BACK TO LAGUARDIA and you'll get there around 1:50.. well our play was at 2.. and my mom was like.. SO PISSED. but we took it.. and were going to our gate when my mom was like.. wait.. we dont need to go to laguardia.. we could fly into freakin BOSTON and take a train in! so we go up to this lady.. [her name's ELLA] who's checking people onto a plane.. or more precisely.. finishing up things.. and mom goes.. look we just want close to new york.. we could fly anywhere as long as it gets there sooner.. so ella looks on her screen and goes.. ok. you're gonna get onto this flight the one that was [] <--that close to taking off.. to Washington D.C... and then you'll take another flight to laguardia. and we only got in an HOUR after we should have in the first place!!
it was soooo insanely crazy.
[sidebar: while we were in washington we saw these shirts.. like... blah blah for president.. etc.. but I saw this one and it had the guy from scream.. or something like from one of van gogh's paintings.. [anyone know what it was?] like macullay culkin's home alone face.. ? anyway. .it had that and then OH NO! NOT ANOTHER CLINTON!!.. anyway it was hilarious]
we got to NY and.. BTW it took 30 mins to get to canal street.. and we shopped
i got.. two pairs of sunglasses.. a coach purse.. two NYPD shirts [ :)(: ] a wallet.. uh, something else too.. but i think we left cause we were running late.. and so we took a taxi to BAR AMERICAIN.. omg it was soo cool in there!! [ps.. to anyone who doesn't know.. its bobby flay's restaraunt.. yeah yeah Iknow i LOOVE his food and stuff and he's my fave chef.. but i totally LOATHE he's married to the GORGEOUS stphanie march.. [more about her in a minute!!] so, we ate there and it was YYYUMMYYYYYY.
THEN we went to pick up our tickets to TALK RADIO. seriously.. even the mention of the name makes me *!!!!squee!!!!*
OMG it was amaaaaazing.~!!!!!!!
totally hilarrrious! and i thought it was even funnier how they kind of had to scream cause the wall behind them was like something from COSI. .some sound trapping stuff.. anyway.. it was freakin hilarious.. i wish i could go to it again... and Liev is an amazing actor.. so i dunno my favorite line was probably when a really troubled kid came onto the show.. [like the radio show.] adn he was talking about his beliefs.. like that everyone should just chill.. and he was a total rocker-kid.. like, the epidemy of 80's rocker child.. so he starts talking about bruce springsteen.. and if you know my mother at ALL you'll know she's partially OBSESSED with him.. so liev goes.. what, you think springsteen is communist? and the kid goes.. NO MAN! he's from JERSEY!!.. that had to be the funniest part.. i dunno.. probably cause i used to live in jersey and i get it.. anyway.
my FIRST fave part was stephanie's monologue.. hah it was freakin hilarious.. she was suuuch a blonde.. and kind of a slut.. but she was in love with Liev's character.
anyway.. it was AMAZING
after the play we got talk radio shirts!!!!!! :):):):):):):):)
adn we went outside and i was trying SOOO HARD to convince my mom to let us stay.. cause i SOO WANTED HER AUTOGRAPH! and mom was like.. OK until 4.. it was like 3:55 when she said this. so i TOTALLY was like wishing beyond everything that she'd come out.. and it was 4:01 and my mom was like.. thats it we have to go.. we're gonna miss our 6:00 flight.. and JUST WHEN MY MOM WAS GETTING READY TO HAIL A CAB STEPHANIE WALKED OUT
so i DEFINATELY got her autograph AND TWO pics with her!!!! *squee*
why? because i thought my mom shook the camera! and i go oh ma! did you move?! and steph goes.. oh no prob, lets just take another one!
*mini freak out*
i was totally toooootallly star struck.
ugh she was SOOO gorgeous too!! as soon as i get the pics developed i'll put them on here... PROMISE!!
i mean.. i have SOME and i'll post those after this.. but the actual talk radio ones i took with a disposable so...
then we were going to the airport and we got to our flight on time.. and the whole time mom was like.. omg.. i can't believe you just.. asked her for a picture and she said YES with no hesitation!!
[haha. yup cause i'm a gangstaaa]
and i was like.. i'm NEVER washing this shoulder!!!
[but i have since then.. sorry.. lol!]
so we got home adn i'm still partially in shock.. and i still will be until i actually see the pictures!
i hope they came out ok!!!
anyway... here ya go!


whoaaa wait.. thats not NY?!

ahh there we go!!!! a little wet.. but it'll do!


stephanie march, friends, new york, birthday, mr. brooks, talk radio

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