(no subject)

May 26, 2007 23:51

so.. since i havent updated in....
i'm going to now

lets see... i have worked my poor little ass off this week.. worked monday, wednesday, friday, tonight and i work monday. bleh
loooved it.
serrrrr yus ley
great movie
i went with beavs and lella and her boy toy..
[ps beavs aka Erin and i kinda have a "thing".. not sure what you'd call it.]

^^ thats beavs and Zach.. buddies

Zach'ss boyfriend and beavs at prom

then last [friday] night i stayed over at her house after work with turner, christy, allie, [<--those two were all over each other] and her brother
basically.. we're all pretty gay.
[^^ shove it elisa]
hmm lets see.. oh. i'll be a senior in exactly 7 school days. counting three for exams
:) hell yeshh
forgot. thursday when i went to see pirates i hadnt even started my FINAL project DUE THE NEXT DAY to first perod.. so i got home at 11:30 and was working on it until like 4 ish.
heckkk yess i am THE procrastinator
but i got it done and it looked mighty fine :))
oh! i watched love actually with beavs and it is now our movie
and umbrella [by Rhianna] is our song.. because EVERY SINGLE TIME we are together we ear it!
eb it in a car.. her house.. or anyyywheree
so yeep
anyway.. i'm watching SVU on USA right now.[oh BTW.. casey was heartbreaking in the ast eppy.. <3333] so.. :P
oh!! and a lil birdy told me Judy's Got a Gun [[louise lombard's new show. Sofia from CSI]] airs June 1 on ABC.. though i have yet to confirm it.. if you love me.. watch it!!
she's an amazing actress.. and hot as hell
that was my support.. anyway
i can NOT WAIT until the starter wife starts
thursday at 9pm on USA
debra messing.. another amazing actress.
sleep is calling me
and goodnight

oh.. ps- i went this whole post without once mentioning Barr or her hotness.
[besides now losers]
but.. she is hotttttttttt
and her sister.. who happens to share the ass of life title with chris meloni, is pregnant.. with her 3rd child.. in 4 years.
hah. go gussler.
oh.. and mentioning barr. she is fucking hilarioussssss.
you can just tell she wants to be there about as much as we do.. and she's just starting not to give a shit.
its fantastic.
and i dunno if i mentioned we interviewed her agaain.. [ps-she hates that] well.. it was me and chris and dominic.. [both of them were MORE than happy to oblige] and they needed a club/group insert [for the show] so i told them to interview her. they did.. gah it was hilarious...!!
i told them to call her [she was in teachers center] and she comes out.. and i'm like jus chillin on the table looking smug as a mofo.. ad she gives me this like playful death glare..
and during the actual interview i was trying to make her laugh.. it definately worked.. well. ok was trying to make her laugh and i was trying harder not to stare so hard
and at the end she goes... hope you have fun with that C now!!

she was kidding..
and there are other stories.. but i'm tired now so...
[finally :)]

pirates, senior, beavs, procrastination nation, judy's got a gun, barr, starter wife, sleep, work, svu

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