Feb 16, 2010 23:22

Listening to new George Winston stuff and being content.
Today was so tiring, up at 7 and not back into my dorm till 9:30. HELLO. O_O.

Valentines day was just another Sunday, thank god. Cort came over and we watched disgusting movies. Then of course when she left I popped in Moulin Rouge (Thanks kaitlyn :):)). She likes me. I have it on very good authoritay. IDK. Shes not my type. Shes just a good friend! Why can't it stay that way? My sis said to just let it disintegrate naturally, but IDK if that's gonna happen :(
Why the hell do girls like me?
Or, actually why the hell are the girls that like me the ones I don't like??? (like that)
And the one i do like confuses the hell out of me. I wish for mind reading powers.

*sigh* Just been living life. One day at a time, aka slow as fucking hell. The past has really come back to haunt me recently and i dunno why. Nothing specific happening regarding triggers or dates just... UGH.

The masochist in me is also quite happy, I've been watching Guiding Light as of late. Like, 06/07/08 GL. God fucking damnit I miss this show :(. I'm a nerd, I know.

I'm going to Florida for spring break march 5th. I'm actually excited for this. Haven't seen mom for about a month and i miss her. We're getting along a lot better than before. When of course she's not trying to completely run my life. She does this rarely now, which I'm grateful for.

That's about it, actually. For now.
Well, this was random.

life, random, spring break, girls are a pain

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