Dum Dum

Jan 27, 2010 00:51

WOW. This is supremely overdue. Maybe I should catch you all up as to my happenings and school schedule?

First off, my school schedule:

1:00pm-2:15pm Weight Training: this teacher is definitely gonna be interesting. She barely speaks English (she’s obv german) and she automatically assumed everyone in the class were idiots. Hmm. Whatever, at least I have a solid reason to work out now!!! And if I start with this I’ll get better and better, maybe strengthen my shoulder (long fucking overdue).
7:15pm-10:05pm Interpersonal Communications: I like this teacher, even though I hate the time of the class. *gag* It’s one I had to take soooo…. The class is about communicating and if there’s one thing I can do well for a grade is just that. papers don’t seem too bad, and since it’s only once a week I think I can suck it up.

1:00pm-2:15pm Substance Use & Abuse: my teacher is a nurse and we get to talk about drugs. That’s about it so far.
4:30pm-5:45pm Criminology: By far the hardest class I have. Pray for me on this one, people… it’s gonna get ugly.
7:25pm-10:05pm Crime investigation: By far the best class I have. Favorite teacher of all time (same one as my CJ 101 teacher freshman year). He loves me to death and I could probably get away with anything. I won’t try to, but I prob could. ;)

Currently NADA! Ran into my old boss today in the student center, however, and she said she needs a Tuesday morning and Wednesday night cashier. *ding ding ding* we have a winnah! So, I get to sleep in and then make money. Best of all worlds.

11:30pm-12:45pm Substance Use & Abuse: AGAIN, I know, right?? And it’s at a different time! What FAIL.
1:00pm-2:15pm Weight Training: yep, again. It’s called blocked out workout time for a grade. Epic. WINSAUCE.
4:30pm-5:45pm Criminology: again again. This is just a major repeat day.

Umm NOTHING!!!! That’s right, you heard me. Again, for the second full year in a row…. NOTHING! I love having Fridays off.


So, back to my life… I’m still single (FML), just working my ass off, quit smoking (again), got a new tattoo in December (Did i mention this? No? Whoops :)), still loving the shit out of Crystal Chappell (shuddup), and recently watching the 4 seasons of House I now have on DVD. Christmas was... family time. And the shenanigans that happened during NYE will not be recorded here now. Haha. I really have nothing else to talk about, but if you want to ask me questions, I’m here!!! I lurk like mad, sorry :). Comment and we can catch up <3

OH, P.S. my awesome schedule for tomorrow: wake up at 10am ish and go tanning, go to the gym for a little while (work mostly on arms), back to dorm and take a shower, go with Des (long story short- "straight" girl i like... again FML. More on this later), drive to awesome person's house, start drinking then hitch a train to NYC, get some rockin' pizza, see Jen Foster in concert @ The Bitter End, hang out with some great people, and get seriously wasted. I don't think life could get any better right now. :)

college, schedule, crystal chappell is a goddess y'all, concert, work

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