(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 02:20

uhmmm. ok. News.

1. I'm in Florida with mom right now [happy b-day mom! and Jackie!!!!]

2. I got my Chase loan, and my percentage rate went down which is nice.

3. Smarch is coming back! Great news, really. my mood is just shit... but come on, it's smarch...

Also, i've heard she's divorcing Bobby Flay. [this is not concrete in any way shape or form.] Finally. i mean, i love her to death and i hated his guts and thought he was a asshat/douchecunt but i never wanted her to get hurt. i feel bad for her :(

4. Onto more depressing news. Guiding light was cancelled a while ago, ya know. But we've still been pushing to find it a home, for the show AND Otalia. Well, Crystal signed back on to DOOL. [Days of our lives] Now, i love crystal and will follow her wherever her little heart desires [although i'm sad it's in Cali]. but seriously. This is [was? *dies*] the most beautiful and well written lesbian story on.. in my opinion ANY show that has ever aired. It was told glacially, and beautifully thanks to the writers and the wonderful Actresses. Now, people this story line is still going on. It ends... i guess in September. but i still felt a huge loss when i heard about this. I don't expect any of you... except the few i managed to yank into the craziness... to understand. but you didn't experience it. i know it sounds weird but Guiding Light changed me.
I will miss ya, honey.

smarch, guiding light, bobby flay is a bag of douche, college, otalia madness, birthdays that aren't mine, florida, crystal chappell is a goddess y'all

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