Weekend Update

May 01, 2009 19:20

It's 7:20 pm and still light out. SUMMER IS APPROACHING!!!!
I'm so excited. y'all have no idea!
something i'm not excited for? moving all this shit out of my room. :-p blergh.

Fucking parking passes for next year are out, but i don't have the money for it yet!!!! GAH. they're $350 and currently i do not have that much in the bank. yay poor college student. I'm ready to *WORK* and actually make money, kthxbai.
No but seriously. I'm not allowed to work more than 20 hours PER TWO WEEKS yet either so i'm stuck maxing out. good news is i already bought my flight to FL. hopefully i can afford the train *rolls eyes*
My birthday is in one month and 18 days!!!!!!!!
All I really want is the fearlessness necklace. and money. haha. but I'll settle for just the first. I have to be a freeloader for the next month and a half :-/ i HATE asking for anything. i'd so much rather just be completely independant but that's hard to do without a house. Hah. Good news is that they are gonna let me move into the dorms early [august something] cause i work there!!! :):)
Can i totally skip Soph year? i just wanna get to junior and apply to be a cadet :-p

Things to do:

*Paint something. I MISS IT
*DO MY SOCIOLOGY PAPER! it was due yesterday. *sigh*
*Call my aunt and ask to keep stuffs at her house :-/ i feel so bad.
*Also ask her to stay there till i go to florida.
*umm, can get the fuck in shape be one? this is bad. haha
*Call Grandma/Mary
*Send out mothers day cards to mom/grandma did this earlier.
*uhh, send out my FAFSA thing *whoops*
*Take a shower. ick

Just did this on Facebook... and i think it's pretty accurate....

~You are Athena! The Greek Goddess of war and wisdom. Like Athena you are adventurous and live your life to the fullest. You're not afraid of a challenge and you tend to be on the competitive side. Although you are a person can get physical, you never neglect the wise attitude you carry. You're smart and when it comes to making decisions, you always think before you act.

okok, i think that's it for now.

college, freeloaders ftw, quizzes, work, things to do

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