cause im bored.... ALREADY

Apr 09, 2007 21:26

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What's Your Sense of Humor?


The Cadillac of senses of humor. Smart, sophisticated, and people either love you or just roll their eyes at you.

If you’ve never watched any of those “Brit-Coms,” go out and rent them - you’ll love them. If you’ve already seen them, well, it shows. You’ve got a great mind and a great sense of humor. Now if only we could do something about your sense of style. (Just kidding. You look hot. Really.)

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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What Are Your Politics?

MY RESULT:Fascist Dictator

Aren’t you a tough cookie! Do us all a favor and never run for office. We’re big fans of our freedom and, you know, not being dead.

A quick word about fascist dictators: there aren't too many of them left. That's because most of them were deported, thrown in jail or shot in the head. So if you're pretty set on this take-over-the-world-at-all-costs scheme, we suggest you do it behind closed doors.

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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

Where Will You Be In 10 Years?

MY RESULT:At the Mall, Trolling for Dates

You put dating and making out above all else. That’s why in ten years you’ll be free, single and looking for hotties everywhere you go.

Sound depressing? Nah, it'll be fun. Let all your friends go out and get hitched, and meanwhile, you have open access to all the babes! Sounds like a plan to us.

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^^ omg.. even it agrees Elisa!!

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What Animal Are You?


Sharks are great athletes, and they’re cool to look at, but let’s be honest here - they only exist for one purpose, and that’s to murder things.

You’ve got a cool head, and you love the water, but your attitude will shift the moment you smell prey. Do us a favor and give them fair warning. The last thing we need are more cold-blooded killers out there, especially ones with more than one row of teeth.

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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

The eSPIN Personality Test

MY RESULT:Human Coffee Bean

Just like a normal coffee bean, you're pure energy (but unlike one of them, you're not so bitter).

You've got a pretty good attitude about things - you're kind, and a good friend - but sometimes you're so revved up that you don't know what to do with yourself. So you burn it off with fun and parties and having a good time. Which is a big part of why people are drawn to you - you've got great energy surrounding you.

Just don't forget about all the great things that happen in the quiet moments. You know - when you finally stop running around and take a nice look around you. Sometimes low-energy is just as thrilling as high-energy. You know what we mean?

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