Apr 16, 2009 22:37


wedding blah blah, Otalia definitely getting together. SUCH a beautiful episode. i totally mean it when i say they should both get like 1700000 emmy's for this because i guarantee there is no better developed love or a stronger one, no better writing, no better acting in ANY other Soap. I never watch soaps but i am *that* confident. I'll put the preview up for tomorrow again... it's probably buried under 17 entries by now.

image Click to view

Seriously y'all, the *way* she says I don't love him! I LOVE YOU.... i die. i just. ahh. I've seen that a billion times and i can't get enough.
Anyway, So these two are my new absolute addictions and i'm gonna me venturing into the world of photoshop with them. bear with me on this [probably] unpleasant journey. Umm, DORIS in this episode was fucking fantastic. HIL-AHHHHHH-RIOUS.

"Can i kiss her yet?"

it was an immediate and perfect response to his lame ass question. Natalia never said i love you. how sad is that?

Frank is getting big purple ANVILS dropped on his goddamn head and he doesn't even see them. Poor dude. MMM, Olivia looked fucking scrumptious, and let me say, Crystal Chappell is a GODDESS Y'all. Speaking of CC, there will be an online chat, hosted by both Big Purple Dreams and Crystal's Circle of Friends, in two chatrooms, one at each site, on Friday, April 17th, 9 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. PDT. You jhave to be a member of BPD though, so if you really like the girls... :):)
http://z8.invisionfree.com/otaliafans <---it's there somewhere O.o
ohhh yeah i'll be there. completely silent and *dying* but i'll be there. :)
Also, if you think CC is a GODDESS and you feel like raising your body temperature 7000000000000* then watch this.
AND that is all I have for guiding light people!

ONTO the ncis ep i'm watching. Tony mentions cool hand luke and i love him a bit more.
"What we got here... is a failure... to COMMUNICATE"
God, i love that damn movie.

Umm, ah yes! I wanted to mention about how unbelieveably *gay* i think my corrections teacher is. i mean... she's.. She's a lot like *me* if that gives you an idea. mad gay. Also, something that makes me curious, she is missing the nail part of her middle finger on her left hand. i saw this the first week and was... intrigued. b/c i know she's worked in prisons and stuff... hmmm. whatever.


this guy i know and his band got a label, and there stuff is like, electronic pop. It's mad good though and they just released their new CD. My fave song isn't on their myspace.. but my second one is. it's called Oh, Lolita. They remind me a lot of Shiny Toy Guns [whom i'm obsessed with.]
anyway, check it!!!

Pi the symbol is seen to be [neverending]... hence a love like pi.

Innocent Man [[fave lines]]

How wrong, how wrong
it is to let us guess
which god is real
Which faith would suit us best?


I cannot i cannot,
kill an innocent,
I may not i may not
put the gun in my
i cannot i cannot
kill an innocent man.....


If you'll say
i believe it now,
what we got we gave away
Only god that we have failed...
we killed your carpenter with nails.

Crystal Chappell is a GODDESS, Y'all

college, otalia madness, ncis, squee, music, video

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