Birthday meme

Apr 03, 2009 16:38

Go to Wikipedia, look up your birth date and put in 3 historical events, 2 births and 1 death.

Historical [i did 4, they're short]

1846 - The first baseball game under recognizable modern rules is played in Hoboken, New Jersey, United States.

1862 - U.S. Congress prohibits slavery in United States territories, nullifying the Dred Scott Case.

1910 - The first Father's Day is celebrated in Spokane, Washington. i put this in purely because it's so fucking ironic.

1953 - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed at Sing Sing, in New York.

1961 The Supreme Court struck down a provision in Maryland's constitution requiring state officeholders to profess a belief in God.

Births [i'm really gonna do as many as i want.]

1623 - Blaise Pascal, French mathematician and philosopher (d. 1662) i fucking hate math!

1930 - Gena Rowlands, American actress i LOVE HER

1922 - Aage Niels Bohr, Danish physicist, Nobel laureate if you don't know who this is, how did you pass science in high school?

1954 - Kathleen Turner, American actress voice of jessica rabbit, from the roger rabbit movie. ... and my first animal/cartoon crush GOD sexxxxxyyyyyy voice!

1972 - Poppy Montgomery, Australian actress totally forgot this sexy bitch had my birthday.

def click it, this thing is huge and her interview... *dies*

1982 - Trevor Hamilton, Northern Irish murderer awesome....

1975 - Sam Giancana, American gangster (b. 1908)


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