Quiz Whore. 25 things you probably didn't want to know about me.

Jan 27, 2009 20:38

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app. then click publish.)
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Dont you know
They`re talkin about a revolution'>

1. I'm an old soul. Partying is fun and all, but i love just relaxing, listening to some sinatra on a record player, turning off everything electronic and basking in the awesomeness.

2. That said, in college i rarely have time to breathe.

3. I have so many songs i need an external hard drive to house them.

4. i LOVE to read. mostly true crime stuff, but ally has me hooked on "[auto?]biographies" like famous people. Slash, Tucker max.... etc.

5. I am currently in the middle of reading nine non school related books. i get SO distracted.. and because my family loves me-they send me barnes and noble gift cards or even books they think i'll like. i like them all.
-I hope they serve beer in hell :: Tucker Max
-Killing yourself to live :: Chuck Klosterman
-Lolita :: Vladimir Nabokov
-Blue Blood :: Edward Conlan
-The Bell Jar :: Sylvia Plath
-The Divine Comedy :: Dante
-In our defense :: Ellen Alderman
-The gift of fear :: Gavin de becker
-The audacity of hope :: Obama

It really depends on my mood which one i pick up.. and i've been reading Lolita the longest... two years. if you know what it's about-you'd understand.

6. in addition to the two tattoos i have now, i want.... 14 more... minimum.

7. I love to sketch/draw/paint... but i still think i suck.

8. I keep a book of handwritten quotes that i love. when i find a new one.. i add it.

9. I don't think i'll ever get "married" or have kids, but if i do i have the names picked out and there is no way the other person can sway me.
Alexandra Elizabeth :)

10. I [like you [second] mommy!] LOVE cold. winter is my favorite season [or fall.. it depends on my mood:)] i love snow, and something about it makes me feel young again. innocent.

11. i barely wear any makeup. sure there are some parties where i go all out... but that's different. day-to-day the most i ever really wear is some mascara and cover up [if i have an unsightly red thing. :)] i HAVE to wear mascara because some of my eyelashes poke me in the eyes. personally girls look SO much better without much on.. and it saves tons of money!

12. I love coffee. if i could only drink ONE thing from here on out... it would be coffee. before i even had TEETH i used to crawl over to my mom in the kitchen when she made it in the morning and sometimes she would drop beans on the floor... i would suck on them and gum them to death. i'm currently eating espresso beans, my mom [the nurse] says that if i eat too many my heart could go nuts and attack me.. [or is that have a heart attack?] ... but it has yet to happen and i kind of want it to.

13. i am not superstitious about the normal things. I DO believe 33 is after me...and i think that certain things bring luck.

14. i am not, in any way catholic/christian... whatever. i hold more buddhist values than anything else. and i DO have prayer beads.

15. i don't really plan on living past the age of 65

16. i HATE fur and people who wear it. [if it's on the animal that's different] wearing fur is an asshole move.

17. i'm not really materialistic... but i LOVE coach stuff... like the glasses i'm wearing right now. haha

18. i don't usually wear deodorant/antiperspirant because it's known to cause breast cancer and i'm not increasing my chances again.

19. Last semester i washed my clothes ONCE.

20. If i had a chance to kill someone and get away with it i would.

21. besides wanting to be a cop, i also want to write. and possibly be a teacher later.

22. I'm a procrastinator TO THE CORE. so i got a paper due before spring break... and i probably won't start writing it till the day before. [worked last time! i got a B :)] ... that tells you also- i'm good at writing on the fly... and at 4am

23. i HATE caramel. CAR-MEHL. and white chocolate.

24. I miss playing field hockey with all of my being.

25. I may possibly get my lip pierced.


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