Writer's Block: Traditional Pursuits

Dec 10, 2008 10:31

Well, this year i get to be a part of the 18+ [in college and above] crowd's tradition in my family... we draw names and whoever's name you get you get their christmas list. and hilarity ensues.
no, jk. there's no hilarity. :)
but also, when everyone opens presents we have a "christmas boy" which is kind of like an elf? Well, it's my aunt Mary and she hands out and sorts presents to give out since we have a ridiculously large family and waaaaaaay too many kids. we go in order from youngest to oldest kid, and after one round pick a "secret santa gift" to give out.
it's nutso, but this year i'm christmas boy in training and i'm wicked excited. :)
Another fave is black friday [someone in the walmart we were at got trampled and broke his arms and his leg!] we all get up at the shit crack of dawn and go shopping. this year, however, my oldest cousin [so old, it's weird to call her a cousin] 's vans battery died this year... so we had to call AAA.
fun times.
also, to be old school, i love mistletoe beyond belief!

christmas, writer's block

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