Ginger ale rocks my world.

Dec 08, 2008 22:29

This is just a, "Hi! i'm still alive!" post :)
so... HI! i'm still alive. I should be doing either my IT, Science, English, or Western Civ. All due tomorrow. but... mehh. :)
I just finished my CJ final, no more of my fave class :( we finished english today too [paper's due in tomorrow] and that's just terrible cause those were the best. :(:(:(
Also, Christmas break is in a week tuesday! i'm so excited it's ridiculous.
This is fucking random. Oh, has anyone else NEVER seen a 3 Liter bottle before?! I haven't!!! shit freaked me OUT. haha.
aghhh ok, homework time.
FYI, here's a link to my site. read, comment, critique etc. plez n thanks. :)
i actually have like 5 up. two aren't finished so.. help me!
thaaaaaanks :)

christmas, college, random, wtf?

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