This used to be a funhouse... but now it's full of evil clowns.

Nov 17, 2008 00:21

i've been REDICULOUSLY sick the past... god, it's been too long. i went to the health center and they gave me a pass for the classes i missed [quite a few] then i had to go get the meds she prescribed.
well, they were $90. really? for TWO MEDICATIONS?!
w/e insurance covers it, i just have to fill out a pain in the ass form :-p

so, there was this huge fiasco with my roommate and her friend... but it's way long so here's what happened, paraphrased.
*she and her friend went out/got really drunk
*came back-passed out in the **SHARED** lounge. if an RA would have come, they would have gotten citations.
* i went and helped these 3 other girls take them both into my room.
*we put breanna onto the floor [for a short amount of time...] so we could get daniela into bed
*daniela gets into bed, throws up in trash can
*breanna throws up all over herself and my floor... then proceeds to roll in it and pass out.
*we clean breanna up a bit, put her on a blanket and drag her down the hallway into the showers... cold water.
*cleaned up.. ish she whips her shirt off and we put her into bed- but she just curls up to daniela instead of the other end.
*dry-heaves over daniela into a trash can.
*flips around to the other end and passes out.

...i legit had to check out to make sure they were breathing, they were that drunk. it was disgusting. the sheer amount of puke on our floor was... amazing.

anyway, so i ended going to bed at around... 4:30-5:00, and i was supposed to get up at 9ish to get ready to go to melissa's.. woo! no sleep! anyway-i get back up, go through the motions of getting ready-leave... get to melissa's at.. what was it, 11:00?
so then we leave to g to NYC :) We walked WAY too much on saturday. i'd realized a bit earlier that the prop 8 protest was that day, so we decided [on a whim] to check it out... but we had some time to kill-so we walked. here's an outlined guide of where we went.

we walked from penn to times square *embarrassingly* got a map. walked up to Roc Center, went into the nintendo store, saw the tree [which is SHORT btw. ;)], went into the NBC store :-D, got melissa a pretzel, walked over to lexington [walked past Grand Central!!!!! ahh, smarch.], and walked down and over to broadway, then down broadway to city hall. saw gay ppl gaLORE [and we were worried we'd missed everything, b/c by the time we walked down there it was like, 4 ish....] then joined in kind of a protest march. it was AMAZING. we walked over to west broadway, and up it with the marchers... people were coming out of stores and clapping, and cheering we were chanting and there was an amazing flamboyant man whom we tried to follow b/c of his awesomeness... /end creeper of the day ... also some dude in a park we walked through stood up from his sandwich and cheered :-D. it was AMAZING. we both were amazingly happy. :) then we broke off from the pack when they turned toward a park by NYU [Wash Sq? i feel like it was after that.. Union Sq i think.] and kept walking up till 32nd, and cut over to mad sq/penn.

[FYI, they had dr. spaceman shirt too, total love!]

so we finally leave and we get back to the train station [i was sleeping, you'll have to ask melissa how it was] and it's DOWNPOURING.
so, we get back to her house alive and make a video message for Diane Neal's B-day... BTW, it's officially TODAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Party it up Diane!

So, saturday night i FINALLY got to meet Melissa's friend Jimmy [she says we're exactly the same.. not that we look the same cause we don't but there's a LOT we have in common. we should have gotten a pic together.] he's AWESOME. and we definitely wore about the same thing-if only i'd kept on my jeans! we had on the SAME color shirt [maroon, WHO WEARS MAROON?!]. and it's just too hard to describe the rest... but we're the same person. Anyway, we played rockband [M, J, C, and a few friends of theirs] until like 12. i stayed at M's house overnight with coll and we watched stephanie march videos, fanvids, and the like. in the morning we ate yummy bagels, drank coffee and sat in her kitchen for like SERIOUSLY 4 hours. talking, eating and enjoying life. i think we'll be great roommates, guys. really.
that's about it for my day/weekend. now i'm screwed cause i still haven't done anything for CJ or English. oh well. :)

oh! just so you all know, P!nk's new album Funhouse is AMAZING. the song Funhouse is what my title came from, and Melissa happens to like Ave Mary A, kind of like Ave Maria.
Funny i mentioned THAT because Beyonce's new album, As I Am... Sasha Fierce isn't bad either! and Ave Maria is a song on hers too. i can't decide which i like more b/c both are totally different genre's. i have a feeling P!nk was going for hard rock [um, duh] and Beyonce is more for, christmasey. i can't decide on favorite songs on the album either b/c they are both far too awesome. if you're into either [or both!] download/buy them immediately. they are, have a nice night! and if you're a fan of diane and wish to leave her a b-day message head over here to her guestbook!!!!

something to make me even happier- my dove candy has inspirational/cute things on the inside of the wrapper. my faves are....
♥Laugh Often, Smile Much, Love Always
♥Life is a painting, cover the entire canvas
♥Take a walk through frosty grass leaving footprints
♥Fly kites in an azure blue sky
♥Challenge yourself and seek inward peace
♥Be the change you hope to see
♥Belief in yourself is a candle burning brightly without end
♥The breath of Autumn is a whisper to the soul

One more thing, promise this is it! thanksgiving is in a week and a half then i only have two weeks of this semester left, OMG!!! i need to get crackin! haha. but seriously.
i'm SO excited to get to go home, i miss everyone! i'm in the drawing for secret santa this year [you have to be at least 18 and out of H.S.] and it's amazing.
you have no idea how happy i am. i don't think i've EVER been SO EXCITED for the holidays. ALSO, i AM going to see the Roc tree lighted. my friend Kaitlyn [ha!] and i are going. probably Ally and Alyssa too. btw, Kaitlyn is BISEXUAL! i came out to her and she did to me too!!!!!!! i'm so happy i could pass out. ok, for real-homework time.

wow, this entry was amazing and long. hope you liked it! leave love!

extremely happy, x-mas, pictures, nyc, diane neal, god i'm a lesbian, procrastination nation, thnksgiving

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