Today has been the stuff of legends.

Nov 13, 2008 18:42

I think today is one of the WORST days I've had in a while, and instead of getting pissed off and screaming "fuck the world!" I decided to laugh.
I laughed my ASS off. Really, could a situation BE any funnier?!

It just seems like today everything that could go completely bat-shit, has. First off, I woke up coughing and sneezing. Sneezing SO much that I started to get a headache. After getting my attack under control I decided to climb down my bed, but seeing as Daniela and Brittany were both in Daniela’s bed-I’d have to climb down the side by my desk. So, I tried. I got over this railing part and was poised to go down it when I felt the need to sneeze again. I did so, and unfortunately I lost my footing landing squarely on the railing with my abs. needless to say-there is a bruise.
Then I went to get some breakfast from einsteins. It would have been good, if I’d been able to taste it. I couldn’t [can’t] taste ANYTHING today at all. Then straight after I went to the health center to get checked out b/c I was miserable. She said I was REALLY sick, but complimented me on my moccasins [haha!] and gave me a scrip for drugs. I have an eye infection and a sinus one. Bleeeeeeh. O I go to get the drugs. I have to walk in the rain to my friend’s car to get to Walgreens, then I get there and the thing is fucking $92!! WTF kind of drugs are they that I have to pay that much?!?!?! It’s redic, actually. So, I got my drugs, some cough drops and soup and had to WALK back to my dorm in the pouring rain. I was wearing leather ish moccasin boots people- this was at 3 and it’s 7:30pm and they’re STILL not dry. Well I took my meds, took a shower and proceeded to slip onto my ass in the bathroom. There are other things but I’m quite caught up in pride and prejudice right now  I hate to admit it, but I’m a total sap for this movie. Actually it just makes me a MAJOR romantic… like I just want to cuddle with someone when I watch this. AHHHH. Hah. Also I've decided mary, the piano playing dark child of the Bennets is a lesbian.
That is all.
[obv I stopped writing halfway through b/c I got bored. I suppose the only good part to today was the face that I didn’t go to any of my classes.]

college, sick

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