back in black!

Nov 09, 2008 21:02

lol well, not really since i'm wearing grey right now... w/e.
so we didn't do too bad... we didn't win but this is like regionals and we're FRESHMEN. [mostly] we're all new to this.
so, we lost. but in our first game we got fucking RAPED by the officials. like, if i ever needed to know how it felt to be in prison, look no further. i was getting it up the ass during that game.
to top it off i dove to get this chick's flag [for loss of yards, yes.. i got it] and i grabbed and slid on my kneecap [on TURF] and then proceeded to land on my BAD left shoulder.
i've been scraped, battered, thrown, pushed and stepped on by 1" cleats. my body is sore and i had the time of my life. can't WAIT till next year :-D
i'm crazy good in shape AND John [the guy who like, runs intemurals] says he wants me to practice throwing more and he thinks i'll be pretty damn good... he gave me one of his footballs :-D
i threw a bit this weekend on closed downs [downs where if a guy QB's he HAS to throw to a girl.. but if a girl QB's she can throw to anyone] and i didn't have any incompleted OR interceptions :-D my arm is wicked :)we stayed at this hotel, with the rest of the ppl that came.. like the womens and mens teams.. the womens team is the girls softball team... huh. wowwwww. some of them are reeeeealllyyyyy hot.:-D lol. i'm such a lesbo.
so yeah... that's all that happened mostly. i think. lol
have a good week, and god knows i'll be workin my ass off. i can't wait till thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha. so, yeah. i'll be creepin. ttyl!

college, football, god i'm a lesbian

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