"bro, that's your face."

Oct 22, 2008 18:42

haha ok. here's the skinny.
i'm pretty much playing every intermural sport possible.. PLUS club field hockey. WOO!
haha yeah we just played soccer today. our football team WON everything so we're going to someplace in jersey for like.. finals or something? then the weekend after we get to go to MARYLAND! and if we win that.... FLORIDA. totally paid trip, and it's on new years. ballin or WHAT?!
so about hot girls...
there's this reeeeally cute girl on my floor, thing is.. she's like.. way butchier [looking] than i usually go for.. haha. like that's a problem. she cut her hair to like.. olivia benson season 3. and i dunno if she's gay, or straight... or what the hell she is. but she flirts with me like crazy and everytime i see her my gaydar goes fucking crazy. :-D oh! and when we got drunk at my friend's house we were beer pong partners and she was flirting and she hit my ass like 4 times.. then explaining she was an ass girl. haha. and when we decided it was time for bed we shared one. [hey, there weren't enough for evyone to have one... we had to double up ;)] ..ok she's def not straight.

girl #2. i'm pretty much entirely positive she's straight but jesus christ she's sooooo hot. like.. my hair color [not for long! i'm dying it<3] and she's a XC runner.. she wears glasses somtimes. like she can. and i was introduced to her by Jheris [a new friend :)] and hooooly shit. her friends laugh at her cause she's in the library alot watching like documentaries. ...THATS NOT A BAD THING! haha. anyway, like i said before. PROBABLY totally straight. we shall see.

girl #3 again, prolly straight. plays field hockey, curly hair [barr much?] i think she's hot but.. i dunno its something about her. she DOES remind me alot of barr though. the only way i know her is cause we were in the same orientation group.. and i see her a lot in the caf. well, LAST time i saw her.. either i was looking at all the right times or she was kind of staring at me. i KNOW i didn't have anything on my ass or w/e. lol don't even ask. but.. hmm.

girl #4 i don't even know at all. seriously. i just see her and drool all over the place.. but hey i have the weirdest taste in girls. she's like, indian and black mixed? i dunno but damn she's hot. she has the sexiest tatts and she wears glasses and dresses like a badass. lol i dunno how to describe it.

..yeah i'm crazy. i'll keep you updated
oh and BTW, fucking cold outside.

college, soccer, girls, intermurals, football

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