
Oct 05, 2008 15:47

i'm getting sick :-(
i managed to hold it off for a while.. but now my throat hurts and i can tell i'm in the beginning stages of getting sick. shitttttttttt.
in some good news.. i taled with my mom about christmas and we worked out how its pretty much gonna go down. oh! and she's sending me a HUGE [3x3] box full of food.. OM NOM NOM :)
distance really DOES make the heart gow fonder. :) i'm just happy that i don't wanna kill her every second of the day now. heh heh
i should reeeeally be writing the 4-5 page paper due tuesday.. or even the 2 page due in CJ tomorrow...OR even the take home test.. but no. i'm doing this. and in a few i'm going to watch Imagine Me and You for the upteenth time. its my "eww i'm sick lets watch an adorable movie!" movie. :)
anyway, on the getting sick thing- pray for me to get better soon!! i'm going into the city with my mom on friday for a yoga conference.. :-D i'm so excited. i love this shit.
ahh what else? hmm.. idk. i'll update with more maybe.. but i really should do this[these] paper[s]. haha.
hope your weekends are going well!!!!!

college, imagine me & you, sick, mom

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