seriously, i just dont know how i managed to pull it off.
a direct quote from
May 17, 2006 at 5:20pm "so my best case scenario is 3As and 2Bs...doable. worst case scenario 2As, 1B and 2Cs. i dont think that will happen.....i hope"
no, that did not happen. none of it did. i was waiting on my last grade (polisci) as of last night, and it finally posted. let me tell you i was immensely pleased and shocked.
spring 2006 grades
in case you cant read it, it says:
polisci-intor to govt: A
human-ancient civilizations: A
hist-af. am. perspectives: A
cardv- careers in social services: A
film- am cultures in film: B
and GPA= 3.800
and dont forget about fall 2005:
but i guess i never updated taht because i ended up with an A in stat.
nearly straight As two semesters in a row. how is that possible when i thought i was going to get 2Cs???? all i know is that i'm really happy and so relieved. i was really worried about my GPA but in the past year, i have made crazy improvment to my cummulative GPA.
i think i deserve to just sit on my ass right now....
oh yea! and FUCK YOU miss discouraging couselor!!! you can take your negativity and my 3.303 and shove it. i've worked way to hard for you to tell me otherwise. 3.3 still isnt 3.5 but its a million times better than the 2.8 i applied with before.
that's what i call going out with a bang!