Jul 10, 2004 15:32
hey everyone!!!
um last night wasnt a TOTAL flop ! i got to go to kinkos and tower and barnes & noble with my madre which was cool.... and all that stuff i needed to get done was finally finished! then phil called and i talk to him for a long fantastic while and then to natalie for a while longer so over all it was a pretty decent night....
then today OMG !!! i was babysitting and the dad came home with a broken collar bone asking me to stay longer while he went to the hospital ! BUT i had work so the out of town mother called some people to come get the kids *so hectic!* then i went to my orientation and signed on the line about 58 times and got a whole boatload of stuff to memorize and i start on thursday my shift is from 5-8 (pm) and yeah its good times ! go fight win ! im off now to a 50th bday party *sence the excitement yet?*