Our underscores make us better than you.

Jul 16, 2004 15:59

Once upon a time, while thumbing through a copy of "SageWoman" at her local feminist bookstore cooperative, a plucky young storykeeper named beths_stanley read a review of a story she would enjoy a great deal - a fantasy novel in which the main characters were awfully gay. Unfortunately, being scatterbrained (storykeepers often are), she didn't write down the title or authors. When she thought, several months later, to look for it, all she could remember was that it 1) was a sequel to another book that sounded good; 2) was by 2 women; and, 3) had cover art like that on every novel by Patricia Keneally 'Look! I was married to Jim' Morrison.

The following fall, the storykeeper began to tell the tale of a singer, a soldier, & a spy (the best way to keep a story is to share it with someone else). A fair princess from a nearby realm heard of the new tale, & it reminded her of an older tale (all new stories have old stories at their hearts). Princess rosa_mundi sent a messenger to bring this story - Swordspoint, by Ellen Kushner - to beths_stanley, who read & enjoyed it immensely but gave it little thought beyond its being awfully good.

Time passed, & Princess rosa_mundi requested an audience with beths_stanley, to get her book back. Over grilled cheese & garlic fries, the princess said, "If you liked that, I have the sequel in my bag."

There's a sequel?!? Gimme!

Er...um...I mean, thanks, Yer Highness!

She handed over the new story, The Fall of the Kings, &...& what is this? A sequel, by 2 women, with cover art like that on Patricia Keneally-Morrison's novels. It's the story! The story our plucky young heroine has been seeking in the wilds of Google lo, these long ages! It looks really good, & really gay!

And there is much rejoicing!

other people's books

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