Karaoke Christmas

Dec 14, 2003 11:45

At the party thrown by trueenough & his ilk (&, damn, trueenough & his ilk throw a good party), I wander over to the 'karaoke wing,' where one of the guests is singing "California Dreaming." As that song ends, "House of the Rising Sun" kicks on. "Do this one, too!" the spectators urge.

He shrugs. "I don't know this one."

And I, like I'm some sort of...of...of extrovert or something, jump up, grab the other mic, and say, "I'll sing it with you." We put Eric Burdon to shame (or is that, 'Eric Burdon would be ashamed'?). During the loooong instrumental break in the middle, I turn to him. Say I, "Hi. I'm Eli."

Says he, "Oh, hey. I'm Victor."

This gets a laugh from the spectators. Say they, "Most musicians get to know each other before they perform together."

Say we: "Amateurs!"

The thing of it is, I don't think my mic was on. The thing of the thing of it is, with my Ethel Merman voice, I don't think anyone else knew that.

puffpastry rocks my tiny world.

Yes, my artistic projects are all crumbling to dust around me. Good of you to notice.

Thursday, January 8th, 7:00 at Patrick's Cabaret, Lake & Minnehaha in Minneapolis: the SASE GLBT reading series, featuring myself & W. Brandon Lacy Campos. You will be reminded many more times in the coming weeks.


Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

music, local

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