2012 24:00:00 Xtreme Theatre Smackdown I

Feb 03, 2012 15:04

OMGWTFBBQ, y'all, I'm way behind on recapping Theatre Unbound's 24:00:00 Xtreme Theatre Smackdown!

Not much to tell about the writing process. The common elements this year were as follows:
  • a prom dress
  • concealed delight
  • a short dance break
  • an Xtreme sports reference
  • the line of dialogue "Consistency's a hobgoblin. It'll steal your pants." You may recognize this line. I'm the reason it was on the ballot. I was inordinately proud of myself.
viajes and I (for, indeed, she it was who my writing partner was) drew 2 women and 1 man as our cast, and our play, "Lessons of the Woods", looked like this:

Agnes, an experienced camper, takes her sister Shelley (a newbie) camping at the special spot Agnes used to visit with their late father. Shelley has to carry all of the gear, while Agnes's backpack overflows with such outre objects as an egg separator, a large mirror, and a Hello Kitty vibrator. Shelley is furious about this until bizarre and threatening creatures begin to appear in their path, each one dispatched by a specific object in the backpack (except the vibrator, which is just for...you know). The final monster to attack them must be defeated in a dance-off, during which Shelley draws power from an enchanted prom dress. After winning the dance-off, Shelley and Agnes embrace, and Shelley admits that she thinks she likes camping.

We wrote very, very fast and were done by 12:40. Heck, leorathesane was still up when I got home! It was almost anticlimactic. I can live with that kind of lack of drama.

The follow-up.

theater, playwriting

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