"They never stop writing. They're like crackheads."

Oct 14, 2003 00:40

Had a job interview today. Honestly can't tell you how it went. I'd have to sell my soul a little, but the pay would be really good, & the company has sexual orientation in their nondiscrimination policy, so, yeah, I'm selling ('cept the shares perpet & Loungeboy already own, natch). Being a superstitious person by nature, I was of course seeing all sorts of portents in the fact that the woman who interviewed me has the same name as one of my NaNo characters. Well, I mean, come on. It's a fantasy novel. Tell me that's not a pretty damned weird coincidence.

Had our first brainstorming meeting for the No Refunds "Life in 3 Parts" project. Ms. gunn was there, along with Messrs. Howie, Llanas, Dawson, & Smith. Good energy & a damned lot of laughing. Always a good thing. I've just about committed to being excited about this project. 'Cause, you know, another writing project is exactly what I need right now.

It's National Coming Out Week. I'm going to have to disagree with Perpet on this one: coming out isn't a one-time thing. It's a life-long process. For me, there's never a point where I say, "Oh, I've come out enough; I can stop now." It's not just there to be a comfort for the closeted - though it does do that, too. It's about visibility & strength. It's about showing the world that we are here, damn it. We're not going away, & anything you think you know about 'those people' is probably wrong. I've never been an assimilationist; I've never advocated GLBT people being 'just like straight people' (whatever the hell that means), but the more we can show the general populace that we're not sex-crazed child pornographers, the more we win the rights we should've had all along. I can't count the number of times I've been told, "You're the first gay person I ever met." And how many times that's forced someone to revise what they think about GLBT people & GLBT rights.

All queers aren't like me, of course (thank the gods!). And I don't start every conversation, "Hi, I'm Eli, & I'm a dyke."

And, you know, I don't know. The world is changing fast, & Perpet is just enough younger than me that maybe she doesn't need to be as loud about it. Maybe she'll never be someone's 'first queer.' But as long as President Hedgerow can not only say I can't marry another woman but also sign a proclamation saying that marriage needs to be 'protected' from my doing so, as long as Jerry Falwell can blame me for the September 11th attacks (in addition to being a lesbian, I'm also a Pagan, & a feminist, & 'an abortionist' - by which I assume he meant all pro-choice activists, rather than just physicians who perform abortions) & not get his ass canned for it; as long as 29 transgendered people are murdered in a year, I come out. To my neighbors, to my co-workers, to my elected representatives, to creepy men in Rice Park. To the livejournal community.

Hi, I'm Eli, & I'm a dyke.

writing, queerness

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