The morning report.

Jan 22, 2010 13:37

Contemplating a Friday morning...

- a disagreement with leorathesane (all better now, but not the best way to start the morning)
- Cassia made the world's most pathetic noises, for reasons I couldn't figure out (we just learned she has roundworms, so I'm extra-paranoid about everything she does)
- rushed out of the house in a flurry of lateness, only to realize halfway to the bus stop that: my hat is on my nightstand; my teabag is in the pocket of a shirt I'm no longer wearing; and my book is in the bathtub. Yes, that's right. In the bathtub.
- crossed the street the bus travels down as the bus is traveling down it, running the last block saying "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." with every fall of the left foot, and being almost to the bus stop before thinking, The other people at the stop can hear you, you know. Stop being crazy Turrets girl.

+ made the bus anyway
+ leorathesane drove several blocks out of her way to be sure I made the bus, and would've given me a ride to the train station if I hadn't.
+ job still rocks

+/- office full of pie. FULL OF PIE. + because, come on. OFFICE FULL OF PIE. - because I am 3.5 pounds - Do you hear me, Universe? 3.5 pounds. from meeting my weight loss goal, and a counter full of pies does not help.

healthy, cubelandia, felis domesticus, leora

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