I am hereby resolved.

Jan 02, 2010 13:26

It's that time again, of course. Time for New Year's resolutions. I like to take advantage of the multitudinous New Yearses that I acknowledge: Days of the Dead for spiritual resolutions; Gregorian for more "worldly" matters (despite the fact that my spirituality is very much "of the world"); etc. But I didn't really have resolutions this past Days of the Dead, so I'm sort of rolling everything up here. Hence, in good Reclaiming fashion, I'm making five resolutions, and the number of my resolutions shall be five. ("Three, sir!")

  • Resolution of Air: I will write at least five days of each week. Oh yes, I will.
  • Resolution of Fire: I will learn more about bicycle maintenance and repair.
  • Resolution of Water: I will crochet or sew at least four (4) items for donation.
  • Resolution of Earth: I will crochet or sew all year and not abandon it when the weather warms up.
  • Resolution of Void: I will meditate daily.
Now I have, in accordance with the 6 Changes Method, two months for each of these (that is to say, 2 months each to build up them as year-long [and, I hope, life-long] habits). This makes it seem less daunting and more doable. And this, of course, should be my ultimate goal, so I'm not just making resolutions to say I made resolutions.

healthy, aubey, fiction writing, nonfiction writing, crochet

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