Observations of the Feline Kind

Mar 31, 2009 11:23

As we pass the 10-day mark with 2 kitties, I thought, hey, I'll natter a bit about what I've observed about them.

  • Nothing in the world looks more suspicious than cats trying to look innocent.
  • The line between play-fighting and fight-fighting is thin and pale and seldom noted until it has been passed and someone is yelping.
  • Cassia is generally calmer than Mister Brown but less tolerant of the grooming and handling that goes with being a housecat.
  • Mister Brown likes to show off how much bigger and nimbler he is, especially when it comes to getting up and down the stairs to the bedroom.
  • However, I think Cassia spent yesterday while we were at work practicing going up and down those stairs. She's much faster at it. And then sometimes she tries to go too fast and falls down. Once you know she's not hurting herself, it's kind of cute.
  • Mister Brown does not like when we meditate. He dances around in front of us trying to get our attention. Cassia comes over, "mrfs" at us, and then sits down. She is a Zen cat.
  • She does not, however, understand sharing, especially during playtime.
  • They have pretty much completely switched food dishes and litter boxes.
  • They have been spotted sitting next to each other on the couch and sleeping in proximity on the bed. This is a good sign and gives me great hope.

felis domesticus, tangleroot

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