Wade and Tommy face off over politics

Jul 28, 2003 23:03

My warring starlets tackle out_lines's politics and activism questionnaire:

Do you consider yourself political? Not even a little bit.

Where do you think of your politics as falling (right? left? socialist? anarchist?) Kinda leftish, I guess.

Do the people in power share your politics? In power where? I guess I more or less agree with the government. The film industry power brokers, not so much.

Do you consider yourself an activist? I didn't, before.

Before what?

Damn Tommy, anyway.

What 'causes' are you active in? Gay rights. That's totally Tommy's fault.

What form does your activism take? (some people stuff envelopes; some people blow up buildings) I've got all this money, now; I've gotta do something with it. I can't believe I'm going to a thousand-dollar a plate HRC dinner.

You vote in every election. Don't try to tell me you don't.

Is that activism? Well, okay, then. I vote.

And from the other side of the cell bars:

Do you consider yourself political? Oh, yeah.

Where do you think of your politics as falling (right? left? socialist? anarchist?) I'm a sort of socialist-leaning Green Party supporter.

Do the people in power share your politics? I wish. Someday they will, I hope.

Do you consider yourself an activist? Totally.

What 'causes' are you active in? Gay rights and First Nation treaty rights.

What form does your activism take? (some people stuff envelopes; some people blow up buildings) I've chained myself to buildings, bike racks, other people. I've stood on bridges and sat in government offices. I've been arrested a bunch of times, and I always vote. And I'm just...out there, you know? Being visible.

I'm diving into the second act for these guys tomorrow. And then the real fun begins. If by 'fun' I mean 'mass quantities of soul-rending anguish.' Which of course I do. ;)


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