The Decameron?

Feb 25, 2008 13:43

So I'm finally not down for the count with the plague. Unfortunately, it did not include the telling of many stories by high class people, but it seems like it took that long.

I did, however, miss two midterms. I always thought this kind of thing would be fraught with bureaucratic red tape because no one believes that you're sick, especially when a test is involved. Not so. No one gives a crap. I was supposed to get a letter from the emergency dean and it never came. This has been a lesson learned too late, that people are lazy enough to believe what I say if it is easier to just believe me.

Anyway, Hallsies, shouldn't you be blogging about the oscars or something? I specifically checked LJ after several weeks for the specific purpose of seeing your squealings on the the matter.

Also, if a grapefruit tastes old its trying to tell you something: Don't eat me. This disproves my mother's belief that there's no such thing as spoiled food, only spoiled people.
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