Yeah, I still haven’t decided on a standard subject for these things. I can’t stand to keep it boring! I have the subjects for the next two reviews already written down.
Now it’s time for a round of...
Ding, dong, the Dobby’s dead! Which ol’ Dobby? Potter’s Dobby!
Anyway, yes. It’s weird seeing Dobby dead. Can CGI characters die? Aren’t they like cartoon characters? Okay, not even a cartoon character would be safe in this bök. NO OWL IS SAFE EITHER!
To sum this whole chapter up, “Oh my god! Harry killed Dobby! You BASTARD!” Never should have said Voldemort’s name. I was sure Hermione’s throat was going to get slashed anyway, whether Ron and Harry dropped their wands or not. But, maybe Bella was preferring to save her for Greyback, just out of evil honor.
Y’know, usually in a video game, as soon as you get captured by the baddies, game’s over. Then they got taken into the Manor. Game still not over. Then they get thrown in the dungeon. WHY IS THE GAME NOT OVER?! I was wondering how they’d actually get out of there. I’ve also been wondering for several chapters why Harry hasn’t called on Kreacher for anything, at least to find out his and the house’s status. The Death Eaters might have killed him several chapters ago!
*reads more, changes spoiler warning chapter*
Well, I was hoping that the capture would bring about something good. Progress: Ollivander, Griphook, Luna, Dean, Worm’s dead, they know Bellatrix has goodies in her vault, and they’ve made contact with Phoenix peeps.
Coming up, Grip Le Hook will probably give Harry up for reward cash, although after Bill mentioned the goblins’ definition of ownership and Ferengallity(like a Ferengi), Grippy will probably follow through on his part of the deal as much as he can.