Jul 20, 2008 08:53
It has been a whirlwind month. I took three weeks off after I finished working my two-week notice at my previous job. I spent the first week visiting friends and family. The final two weeks I spent with the horse and did things around the house that I had previously neglected. Of course, I did not get nearly a fraction of the things I wanted to do done, but I did accomplish a few things.
In other news, the barn situation has gone down from mediocre to worse. It has never been much of an issue as I am there most every day, but now it is. I had really started looking for a new place for the last few months, but I was having no luck.
Things may get back to normal (mediocre) at some point, but I am not impressed by how uninterested and involved BO is. BM has been out for many weeks now and BO has not been doing anything (as usual). She has someone doing mornings and she is great, but there was also a boy and her son (12 year olds) doing evenings and weekend. The combination of two young boys was not a good idea. Apparently they left the horses out when they could not bring them in. HUH??? They claimed they could not bring in my boy among others (all the rest. I find this very hard to believe, but a night out was probably fun for them all). I asked BO about it and she said yes they had some trouble. I told her the she must call me if anyone ever has any trouble with him and I will come bring him in. Of course, no one has had any trouble since I said that. I am sure that is just plain laziness and of course it takes a stink by the boarders to get them to get on the boys. This is still not enough to get BO to keep a closer eye on them regularly. Anyway, 5 boarders left in one week due to the helper boy (mainly, but of course there are other reasons). They were some of the ones who do not come every day (and are friends).
BO said she fired the boy, but I heard that he was only there for part of the summer. Who know? Now there is a young man who is better. He is more like farm help, but he is helping out at night and weekends until BM gets back. So since he has come, things have quieted down. I think his presence has calmed down and made the son act more mature. Of course, he is not a horse person so he is learning. He is very nice and respectful, so far.
Soooooooo, about a month or two ago, I started looking for a new place. I was having no luck. I did go look one place that was nice and very big (loads of trails), but it was too far from my house. I might have been a good interim place. I will keep it in mind in case I need a place quick at some point in the future.
Anyway, a place down the road opened up at just the right time. The boarder is leaving next week and I am going to take my little man there next Saturday. *sigh* I can’t wait. I can even walk there, not that I will until it cools off considerably.
I have not ridden all week. I am fried by the time I leave work. Sitting on my butt all day is tiring, ya’ know? Of course, he loves it when I am too tired to do anything but love on him.