(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 21:06

I love conversations between more than two people in
which no one is paying any attention to each other.  If you read
it carefully, each individual is making perfect sense, but the
conversation collectively is nonsensical because no one is listening to
any one else.

I think this about says it all:

You have just entered room "Chat 11182380313422929580."

ubersartho has entered the room.

xxinxthexrainxx has entered the room.

xxinxthexrainxx: ignore that comment

half0shadows: Yes, a verbal gang band

ubersartho: oh i will

xxinxthexrainxx: about verbal gang baging

half0shadows: *bang...hahaha

xxinxthexrainxx: *banging

ubersartho: haha

ubersartho: we should start a verbal gnag band

ubersartho: i mean gang

xxinxthexrainxx: that'd be a cool band name

half0shadows: this takes up much less space on my screen

xxinxthexrainxx: verbal gang band

ubersartho: no, i mean gnag

xxinxthexrainxx: haha

xxinxthexrainxx: actually

half0shadows: wow, why can't any of us spell gang bang

ubersartho: heh?

xxinxthexrainxx: it sounds really ghetto

ubersartho: lol

ubersartho: it's hard to say too

xxinxthexrainxx: so NOW what do i do!!!

half0shadows: guys, I want more swedish fish so bad

half0shadows: um....

half0shadows: like I said

ubersartho: come in to cvs after 4!


xxinxthexrainxx: maybe on the way up to prov

half0shadows: MAUH HAHAHAHA

xxinxthexrainxx: i will stop and say hi

ubersartho: haha

xxinxthexrainxx: and get a red bull

xxinxthexrainxx: hahaha

ubersartho: why are you going to providence?

xxinxthexrainxx: imax

xxinxthexrainxx: FORCES OF NATURE

ubersartho: wow i need to balance this out by being all timid

xxinxthexrainxx: i dunno...

half0shadows: oh hey did you hear from adam, I need to know really soon because I want to get the ad online as soon as possible

xxinxthexrainxx: i mean yes...

ubersartho: like...um, well, maybe you could just sort of um talk about it? maybe?

half0shadows: hahaha

ubersartho: come on!

half0shadows: no...we need nothing but FORCE!!

ubersartho: it's loooooovely weather

xxinxthexrainxx: oh yeah he
said that a slipping gear could be caused by lots of things and that
auto shops LOVE to tell people the whole transmission is broken because
it's so caustly

half0shadows: see, no one responds to timidness

ubersartho: for a sleighride

ubersartho: together with you

ubersartho: what?

xxinxthexrainxx: *costly

half0shadows: i see

ubersartho: haha caustly

ubersartho: wait what are you guys doing today?

half0shadows: sitting on my ass

xxinxthexrainxx: nothing til 530

xxinxthexrainxx: or so

xxinxthexrainxx: and anyway he said

ubersartho: are you both going to providence?!

ubersartho: whores?!

half0shadows: no

half0shadows: her and adam are

half0shadows: whore

ubersartho: oh

ubersartho: *awkward*

ubersartho: well, marianne lets you and me go to providence

half0shadows: HAHAHA

half0shadows: you have to work

ubersartho: not today, not today, not todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

xxinxthexrainxx: that if
you wanted to take him for a drive he might be able to tell you,
because there is a chance the entire transmission isn't broken

half0shadows: tomorrow?

half0shadows: OH GOD

half0shadows: that would be wonderful

ubersartho: after four theeeerty?

half0shadows: sure

xxinxthexrainxx: and then he named like 5 things it could be

ubersartho: wow

xxinxthexrainxx: in order of time and costlyness

ubersartho: i love online sarcasm

xxinxthexrainxx: but if it is indeed teh entire transmission

half0shadows: who was being sarcastic?

xxinxthexrainxx: then no he cant fix it cause its a ridiculous job

ubersartho: you? i thought?

half0shadows: I really don't think it's the entire transmission

half0shadows: personally

ubersartho: yeah

xxinxthexrainxx: he said

half0shadows: but what do I know, that's why I took the guys word for it

ubersartho: who's car are we talking about?

half0shadows: mine

ubersartho: ah

ubersartho: clearly

ubersartho: i'll just shutup

half0shadows: and the possibility of having adam look at it

half0shadows: heh, that would be best

xxinxthexrainxx: there was even a commercial on awhile ago that made fun of how much mechanics love to say broken transmission

xxinxthexrainxx: so

half0shadows: hmm

ubersartho: lol

half0shadows: *strokes chin*

xxinxthexrainxx: maybe you're just being played

xxinxthexrainxx: for a fool

half0shadows: this is seriously like a ray of light right now, you have no idea

xxinxthexrainxx: MAYBE...and maybe not

xxinxthexrainxx: who knows

half0shadows: I know

xxinxthexrainxx: dont get your hopes up toooo much

half0shadows: Im gettin my hopes up

half0shadows: HAHAHA

xxinxthexrainxx: oh god

xxinxthexrainxx: lol

half0shadows: wow

ubersartho: hehe

xxinxthexrainxx: OOOO closer just came on upstairs

xxinxthexrainxx: on la radio

half0shadows: nice

xxinxthexrainxx: YOU LET ME VIOLATE YOU

ubersartho: ohohoh, just a little bit closer

half0shadows: sarah

xxinxthexrainxx: when you said 'group thing with sarah?' i was so confused

half0shadows: eh

ubersartho: okay clearly i'm adding nothing to this conversation

half0shadows: yeah

ubersartho: heh?

xxinxthexrainxx: hahahah

ubersartho: what?

half0shadows: yes you are!

half0shadows: you are adding so much

half0shadows: I can't even handle it

xxinxthexrainxx: I WANT TO F YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL

ubersartho: wait why'd you say sarah earlier?

half0shadows: and that is why I do not respond

half0shadows: I don't know

ubersartho: lolololol

half0shadows: oh cause your song was so different

half0shadows: what WHAT


ubersartho: that you

xxinxthexrainxx: YOU GET ME CLOSER TO GOD

ubersartho: i mean thank you

ubersartho: haha faid

half0shadows: you're welcome:-)

ubersartho: fain

ubersartho: damn

ubersartho: i can't spell in here

ubersartho: okay i have to go get ready for weeeeeeerk

xxinxthexrainxx: EW

xxinxthexrainxx: whoa sorry

half0shadows: whoa, I
really meant to put an exclamation point after you're welcome, and
didn't realize my typo till I sent, but it worked out well

xxinxthexrainxx: i mean ew

xxinxthexrainxx: HAHAHA

half0shadows: okaaaaaay

ubersartho: lol

xxinxthexrainxx: not that funny.

ubersartho: wow that did work out

ubersartho: okay but seriously you gouys?

xxinxthexrainxx: I WANT TO LICK YOUR BOSOMS

half0shadows: yes?

half0shadows: oh god

xxinxthexrainxx: ^mocking sarah

ubersartho: come in to cvs today erouyt?

xxinxthexrainxx: okay!

ubersartho: thank you for clarifying cait

ubersartho: LIN

xxinxthexrainxx: hahahah

ubersartho: see you soooooon

xxinxthexrainxx: see you

half0shadows: bye

xxinxthexrainxx: have fun

ubersartho: on the clown of doom

half0shadows: erouyt?

ubersartho: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xxinxthexrainxx: ????????????????????

ubersartho: i'll explain it when you come in

xxinxthexrainxx: hahahah

half0shadows: haha

ubersartho: heh?

xxinxthexrainxx: GO

ubersartho: fine!

half0shadows: that's clever, cause I really will come in just for the explanation

xxinxthexrainxx: I WANT TO F YOU

ubersartho: i see how it is!

ubersartho: oh my go

ubersartho: d

ubersartho: okay

ubersartho: bye

ubersartho has left the room.

xxinxthexrainxx: bye

half0shadows: aw

xxinxthexrainxx: oh

xxinxthexrainxx: i missed her

half0shadows: yes

half0shadows: you did

xxinxthexrainxx: i dont feel like leaving

xxinxthexrainxx: the chatroom

half0shadows: me either

xxinxthexrainxx: despite the presence of onlyus

half0shadows:  be wild if someone was named "onlyus"

xxinxthexrainxx: i am so lazy

xxinxthexrainxx: its insane

half0shadows: same here

xxinxthexrainxx: oh wow i stopped at npc

xxinxthexrainxx: and picked up checks

half0shadows: there's no way he could come early tonight and go for a quick ride, is there

xxinxthexrainxx: and she got all snippy with me about handing in my uniform within 48 hours

half0shadows: that's weird

xxinxthexrainxx: i doubt it we're running on a wicked tight schedule cause the thing starts at 530

half0shadows: kay

xxinxthexrainxx: and he usually doesn't even get out til then

xxinxthexrainxx: but i'll coaxe and plead

half0shadows: no don't

xxinxthexrainxx: and lick.

half0shadows: oh god

xxinxthexrainxx: hahaha just kidding

half0shadows: I mean I don't want him to go out of his way, he'd be doing me a huge favor as is

xxinxthexrainxx: yes that was creepy

xxinxthexrainxx: verily

xxinxthexrainxx: eh he's down this way like every night anyway im sure he'll come check it out as soon as we get a chance

half0shadows: like you don't understand, I am in this financial cloud of doom and all of a sudden there is like this tiny hole in the clouds

half0shadows: swit

xxinxthexrainxx: it's like a pinprick though

xxinxthexrainxx: so

xxinxthexrainxx: beware


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