
Oct 25, 2005 12:38

It is hard to believe that it is nearly November! This school year is proving to be an exciting one for sure. Once again I find myself unable to really "catch up" because it's been a while! So here I go again, wanting to update this page more frequently...hopefully successfully, but we shall see.

Life consists of classes, working up at The Drowsy Poet on the weekends, church, and miscellaneous gatherings and functions. It's such a wonderful time in life. I am really enjoying it all right now. The dating scene is non-existent, and for the first time in my life, I can say with a pure heart that I am ENJOYING that. Sure, there is a desire there, but I am content and peaceful. It took everything that happened this summer for the Lord to teach me that He is all. He is the only thing that can satisfy, and He is all that got me through. This summer was the period at the end of a sentence. He had to break me and teach me how to go to HIM when I cried.

One thing I will say, I miss home. I never really got homesick last year, but now I miss Atlanta. I miss Georgia, and my heart longs to be near my family and back in the city. Atlanta has it's own atmosphere which is incomparrible to anywhere that I have been. I've been away from home long enough to have had a mini-adventure, and learn how to appreciate home. I miss my family so much, especially my aunt and sisters. My mom is no longer living in my house, which quite frankly aids in the desire to want to be home. While she was there, it was easy to cringe at the thought of being there. Again, the Lord has taught me so much, and has begun to heal our relationship.

I will be back in Atlanta the entire week of Thanksgiving (Including on my birthday!! Yah!!!) If any of you that still read this would like to get together, leave a message and let me know. I can't wait!
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